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A member registered Apr 15, 2019 · View creator page →

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are you able to defeat Iron in the public version or not? i did every possible combination and i still cant defeat him..

after the new update my game completely resets itself and there are no extra days nor there is a picture with Dwayne and Richard in the menu. Even with these lil problems the routes are still working when i start from day one, i guess its just weird not seeing the new picture with all the datable characters haha

(1 edit)

i dont see him in Residential area after all of that-

and are you able to defeat Iron in the public version or not? i did every possible combination and i still cant defeat him..

yeah i did all of that and hes still not coming, ill double check it tho.

it seems that i cant meet Sparky? i did everything with the tutorial but it seems that its bugged? idk help


and... what is the combination to defeat iron ? i tried everything from fight and grab option.

thanks for answer!

guess i will never know then

How can i encounter Kiel ? ( if he is in the public version )

how do i start the Korgs werewolf onesie?