it's very obvious you have not played the most recent version that they released. That and I literally have a version back in 2022 I still play. It's not that hard that I can easily compare and tell you the 2022 version is way better. I think it was around the time when they was releasing the new character Jade. Just go download the latest version and see for yourself what a dumpster fire the new version is. It should have Baxter in it. Good luck!
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They need to delete EVERYTHING and start over from version 0.7.0. Only things I know that's wrong with that is sometimes when characters start a sex scene it can go part out of the map and sometimes when you play as jade when you press shift and make her lunge she can get kinda stuck into a pose until she either hits a wall or the ground goes flat and the animation breaks free.
I'm not sure how that works. I saved that version on a SSD back in 2022 and kept it ever since. I also have the password for that version too. I can definitely tell you it's way better than anything else that has been released after that. Yes, the 0.7.0 version still has its bugs but it's definitely playable and not such a nuisance.
glad i dont pay for this shit. I tried the new version and wow its REALLY bad. when croutching player stays crouched until hitting the space to jump makes them stand again. sex scene with big grunt and jade doesnt have the wetness on grunts cock anymore and cum doesnt even show up anymore. (detail issue) why the fuck do you literally get launched across the map when an ememy hits you? thats ANNOYING. enemies are broken and they just kinda go in any direction. when you kill an enemy their body just lays there and if another enemy touches them they take damage. apparently theres no sex xceen for baxter??????? how tf can you release something this bad? baxter gets stuck in random poses and you have to restart the level. im sure theres more but thats my rant for now.
The best release I have played was version 0.7.0 from 2022. I still play it to this day. it has been unmatched.
I have found the stuffed animal and returned it to one of the lizards. Now I am wondering around the map not knowing what I am doing. In the process I have found (I think 3) question marks. What are they supposed to be? I have also found 5 blocks that wont let you pass to another section of