oh good! i was doing it right then! I'm having a blast with this for sure! :D I've already finished Day 3 and I'm very excited to get out on the river Day 5 and explore some other villages! (now if i could just get those darn cubs to quit breaking my windows!!!!)
Recent community posts
i LOVE this game so much already! but i have a question about the weather/customer cards. it says to check the weather, and draw that many customer cards, but sometimes the weather only lasts till morning, or all day. am i supposed to draw customer cards for every weather pattern? or just the first one?
this game gets a 10/10 from me so far! i LOVED the whole concept of Rinse, and writing out the whole festival really helped me unclog some writers block I've been having!
Hi there! i LOVE this game so much already and I've just started setting up for the card drawing and such, but I'm a little confused. it says that when we draw a new confident card and finish it we're supposed to put it in 'the circle' but i can't find anything in the instructions about what the circle IS. is it the deck it originally came from? or the deck of special confidants? or it's own pile? thanks for the help and the amazing game!
Is this a game that one could play alone? Or is it something that has to be passed on? I don't know anyone who does creative writing, but I love this idea and think it would make a fantastic writing prompt/series sort of thing to get my muse going. I just want to make sure it's something I could actually use before scraping the money up for it.