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Raebel Musix

A member registered Jun 04, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks a lot! I made the OST and SFX. ✌😁

Rapaz, já tá fera mesmo no game, ha ha! 😮👏👏👏

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Olá, Caique! Ficamos muito felizes com seu feedback! E em particular, fico muito feliz que vc tenha curtido não só a gameplay em si,  mas a trilha sonora também. Fui eu quem fez as músicas e efeitos sonoros, he he. 😁 E vc fez uma bela de uma pontuação! Parabéns, mano! Mandou super bem! 👏👏👏

E sim, poderíamos adicionar um modo de competição pra tornar o game ainda mais cativante e divertido! ✌😃

Maybe I can help you. Sent you a message on Discord.

I loved to be part of this amazing jam experience! Thank you so much, guys! You are all AMAZING!

GameJamPlus 23/24 community · Created a new topic Discord

Is there a Discord server for this game jam?

If yes, where's the link so I can join?

I sent you a friend request. It should work now. 😃

Hi, bro! Thank you so much for your message! 😃

About the engine, I think it will be Unity. My friend Victor is the one responsible for this part. I'm the composer of the team.

Also, unfortunately, the project is paused at the moment.

But if you want, send me a message in my Discord so I can get you to contact my friend Victor and let you know about the details.

- My Discord:

Username: .franciscorabelo

ID: #5711

Hi, bro! ✌😃

Answering your question, unfortunatelly not in this project. It's for a metroidvania jam.

BUT, besides the experience and the partnership you'll get, we can count with the possibility of a profitable business in the future, mainly because my friend was contacted by a guy who want to start an indie games studio and he's recruiting people like us. But this is still being discussed because the team is still incomplete. So we are still looking for members who can accept joining the team. If you want, you can join us in this metroidvania project and we tell you more about this opportunity of getting paid projects in the near future. 🙌

So, if you are interested, send me a message in my Discord:

Username: .franciscorabelo

ID: #5711

Hi, guys! I'm a game music composer and I'm looking for a pixel artist. 


I enjoyed so much playing the game!I managed to beat it after about 5 tries, ha ha. It was surprising to me when I was once trying to avoid the mech with the flashlight turned off, thinking I was safe. Then, since it can detect by heat too (I didn't pay attention for this),suddenly it found me, appearing in the screen and I got really scared, lol...

It was an AMAZING project, bro! : )

Great job everybody! I loved the music and the art style! The game is very addictive and very challenging too (at least for me, ha, ha). Very creative!

I've gotta confess I'm glad to be part of this fascinating world after this GMTK event as a game music maker (and player) and I feel impressed to see the talent of everybody and the quality of everything, even more because the game was made in 2 days! Congrats, brothers! Following you on Insta! : )

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Hi, samitch2408! Francisco Rabelo here (game soundtrack creator)! Surely I'm very glad to know that you enjoyed our game and yeah, it was very challenging to make the game in just 2 days, ha ha. I feel very proud of the result!

I'm gonna rate your game too, brother! You can share the game link here so I can play it, alright? Thanks a lot! : )

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Hello, SeaFortress! Francisco Rabelo here. I made the music for the game and I appreciated so much your comment! Thanks a lot for the super positive feedback, ha ha! So glad you liked it!

Surely I will play your game now and also leave my feedback after this. : )

What an amazing game we made together, bro! I enjoyed this experience SO MUCH! The game is very challenging and very replayable with all of the upgrades after each battle! My best performance was a battle with the diver with 13 hearts, ha ha. I think I got very far, but I wanna beat him until he gets to the 19 hearts, lol...