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Magic Man

A member registered Nov 25, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you!

I recently made and uploaded a game called Spellcraft Shenanigans. I don't really know how to promote it or anything, but I wanted to know what people thought of it so I could learn and ultimately become a better game developer.

I haven't gotten any feedback or comments whatsoever, so I was wondering if someone could play my game and just let me know what they think of it. I love criticism, so tell me anything and everything.

The description as well as devlogs explain the games main premise, but I'll share it here too so you don't have to go through a bunch of links:

  • This is a wave-based roguelite game, inspired by Vampire Survivors.
  • It has a simple game loop - start new runs, collect coins, buy upgrades and unlock characters, and repeat.
  • There are 4 characters to choose and unlock, each with their own stat bonuses.
  • Relics dropped from bosses give special boosts to the player, not obtainable through upgrades.

I really did enjoy working on this project, and I'd like to keep working on it, but I'd rather make games that people actually play. This whole thing is a learning experience for me, after all.  😅

Here's the link if you're interested:

Done. (Check latest Devlog)

New update coming soon! Bosses + Relics (Cool bonuses)

I've been playing Vampire Survivors for the past while, so I had an idea to make a similar game (Much simpler of course😁)

And so, I whipped up this fun little game so I can show it off to my friends (I'm in highschool 🥴).

Spellcraft Shenanigans is a wave-based roguelite, similar to Vampire Survivors.  In the game, you've been imprisoned in a dungeon by your nemesis, The Dark Mage. You must now battle hordes of enemies for his entertainment!

Core Features:

  • Wave-Based Gameplay
  • Upgrades
  • Character Customization 

It's kinda fun, and the controls are very simple (WASD and Left Click 😉)

So have fun! Comment if you have something cool to share, I like talking to people 😁

Hi, thanks for the feedback! I'll get lots more stuff in soon. :D

Make sure to report bugs and glitches here!