Oh yea also when ur adding them make sure to fix them (their styles, sounds, animations and timing basically that stuff)
fixes I need u to do: for nunzys horror mode (both tracks) can u push nunzys audio a little bit back (JUST A LIL) cuz her sound is a little faster than the other sounds and it’s off, can u also fix Rutoms second track for horror mode pls
Extra request: can u add garden, yam/neo and tinK (same creator from yam/neo) u dont have to animate them just add them to the mod
nunzy normal mode: can u not make her head go up and down a lot cuz she looks like mises animation (yes I saw what her animation looks like)
Can u maybe like make nunzy calm down with the head moving when she’s going up and down (just make her head not move a lot when going up and down, like make her head move but not to little or not to much, make her head move JUUUUUST RIGHT)
Also the reason why Im requesting this is cuz u can see her little cutoff of the body when her head goes all the way up and tbh she kinda looks off when she’s doing that