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A member registered Aug 29, 2020

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I think a lot of it has to do with how general it is but also people might download it out of curiosity. If they know the fetish then they can choose what to do based on their preferences but if they don't know then they'll check it out of curiosity. When they do that and find something they like they'll  be happy with it and wait for more of the same content from you.

Are you still looking for people with a Steam Deck OLED to test PAIcom?

You can download mods from the mod menu in the game

The love and care is appreciated. I'm happy to wait longer for a better product. 

I'm having an issue with the game crashing on my samsung galaxy note 10 5g. The game just freezes randomly and i have to manually close it. It works fine otherwise.

(1 edit)

When talking to the new wolf sometimes thee sialog box stays open after interaction and blocks the buttons so you need to restart to continue playing. Also sometimes when searching dialog options for the wolves pops up and wearing the necklace just lets you go through the initial "talk" dialogues with the wolves. 

other than that good game

This is on the full android version 

It works on JoiPlay! Thanks for listening!

Really enjoying the game! Would it be possible to put a archived Web version for download so we can play it on JoiPlay? Then we could play it on android without the browser or Internet connection. It would expand your audience a bit.

If you have Manaphy be affectionate, coy and playful in the beginning having essentially gone through childhood while in the egg it could work. 

For example she can learn to talk from hearing your voice from within the egg and then have the hatching be more like an evolution. You could have her go through her first heat and let her natural breeding instinct make her obviously mature. 

Instinct could be used to show maturity and dehumanise Manaphy enough to not have it be uncomfortable. 

The review was posted on, it came up in my feed. It had points I wanted to address so I used it to go through those points and credited the author. It wasn't that I had an issue with his opinions, it was that it can be difficult for new players to customise the content they want to see in game. This leads to reviews like the one mentioned which reflects poorly on the game. The post may have been a bit long for you but I like to be thorough. If the author of the review doesn't like my post then they can bring it up with me. You don't need to get upset about it on their behalf.

I'm sure there are plenty of people who had issues with the game content because it's not very clear how to customise it.

Plenty more where that came from, thanks for asking our opinion on content before putting it in.

Sounds a bit like a more mellow version of the chet mod. Go to the discord and ask the modders.

Go to the discord and ask the modding community, they'll probably put something together if it's brought up enough.

Maybe you should go to the discord and ask the modding community about it. That'd probably be the fastest way to get your praposal implemented.

First off thanks to Yttreia for playing and reviewing the game. I'm putting their name only because it's their comment I'm addressing and not to dox them. (I follow this creator and like their stuff so please check them out.)

Yttreia gave this game a review recently that I feel I need to bring up. They gave it 2 stars and the review didn't take a lot of features and settings into account because presumably they weren't made known to the player prior to or during gameplay.

Thanks to their review an important point is raised:

Some people don't like the game because they don't know to blacklist the things they don't like and make the things they do like appear more often.

Please don't give Yttreia any abuse or negative attention. It was a respectful and honest review and we should be thankful that they took the time and effort to play the and review the game. (I had many of the same issues when I started playing the game)

I have been playing this game regularly for a while and completed it several times so I'll just add my thoughts in brackets (like this) to their review. It seems like the reviewer didn't get deep enough in the game and made some incorrect assumptions and observations. I don't have anything against the reviewer bit I feel the review misrepresents the game to enough of a degree that it doesn't feel like it's about the BDCC I've come to know. (My comments are biased and my own fallible opinion)

"Real nice graphics (agreed), but the fact you can only be a sub (there is mostly sub content but there is enough there to also keep doms happy and the mods add more content like the Nova sub mod and you can opt out of most of the the sub content) means you're railroaded a lot (You can do things in game to be approached less or more often) and it takes all the fun out of the game (not imo because you can increase or decrease the number of encounters as stated above and use perks and increased stats to get stronger), most of the game's actual gameplay is grinding and grinding and grinding while literally everyone wants to rape you (more or less, but you do sometimes get approached by subs or have other encounters with subs. The grinding is my favourite part of the game), meaning you also get that real "fun" quirk where you're getting unrelated fetishes shoved on you (you can change the fetishes and acts used in the game and how often they appear using the black listing and weight features), which is a real no-no for lewd games like this(gameplay is very customisable so you can avoid what you don't like).

Lots of meaningless fake "skill checks" too.(they are real) Maybe they're not fake, but they're given to you so early that if they ARE real, your stats are so low there's no reason to even try to fight it.(don't rush too fast through the story and this isn't a problem)

Would rate one star, but the graphics/effects are nice and I'm sure there's someone in that niche of "sub who's also bi/pan and also is into everything", I guess(you can customise the non-story content to your preferences like avoiding content you don't like or making the regular inmates all a certain sex or changing how often certain content is encountered)

I don't think the reviewer customised the game to their liking when they played it. It isn't clear enough in the game that the content can be customised and this is probably causing more negative reviews than it would otherwise have. 

Doesn't appeal to me either, maybe she could use it for storage or consuming something else like alcohol or food. Maybe she could have piercings that she can tie or clip together so she can open and close it like a purse. 



New version Installed just fine, thanks

when i try to install it i get an error saying the sdk used is version 29 and it needs to be 30 to install. 

(2 edits)

If it's in the title of the post, it's fine to say but you shouldn't post anything that's behind the pay wall. 

However I would just point people to the patreon page so they can see the post for themselves and perhaps be tempted to support the game devs. 

Posting the build number without context can lead to misunderstandings and issues sometimes. Especially true with the current build no. I recommend anyone reading this to go to the patreon page and check it out. 

The title will leave you with questions but the answers are available for patreons of $5 or more. Do you want to be in the know or keep guessing? It's up to you.

P.S. if you do decide to become a patreon following reading this post please let me know below.

(1 edit)

I run the game on steam deck and it works great! Just go into desktop mode, download the game, extract the .zip. then open the steam app, go to library and add the non-steam game to library by selecting the executable in the browser.  Steam version should also work when released. 

They could do with updating info of the game progress outside patreon. There is definitely some information that needs to stay exclusive to there but they need to stop neglecting the public pages like this one and the official website. 

Even if they don't want to give information on release dates or content, they could still give progress updates like "we have more characters" or "we hope you liked x because there's more in the next update!". General announcements that don't give much away but still keep followers engaged would be nice. 

They are working hard with the development and making good progress. They do care about the fans of the game but unfortunately it doesn't always come across when looking at their engagement on all of the platforms they use. 

It's a shame because it's leading to assumptions and annoyance. It also has to be hurting their bottom line and popularity.

It would be nice to have an updated time line and some basic information to point to when questions are asked about the game.

thanks, this one works great!

Thanks for getting back to me, I uninstalled the previous version and got the same error, my phone is using android 12. It's a Samsung galaxy device. It's updated to One UI 4.1.1. This is the only .apk I have gotten the parsing error with. Thanks for the help.

Tried to install the .apk and it won't install due to a parsing error, previous build installed fine.