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A member registered Jun 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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I'm glad! Did you get to see the ending? Since release I've realized that the videos don't start on some PCs (no idea why), so some people never got to see the actual ending (it comes after the talk with Sophie). I'm working on changing it to use widgets instead of playing videos, so that it doesn't happen anymore.

Thank you for your kind comments! I'm glad you liked it, and liked the ending. I'm sorry for the getting stuck thing, I'm gonna fix that asap xD. I fixed all the collision problems I could find, but I could have used more testing time before the Jam ended xD. I'm waiting to update it until after judging ends, but I'm already working on some fixes. Thank you for taking the time to go back after that problem and seeing the ending, I'm really happy you liked it!

Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it :D. I'm going to play yours soon! I'm still trying to get back on track with everything else after the all-nighter I pulled on Sunday for the Jam :P. I'll probably pick it up today or tomorrow!