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A member registered Oct 15, 2017

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(1 edit)

This game is great!

I agree that it was confusing at the start but it was a relief to know that it didn't become tiresome after I adjusted into the gimmicks. The enemy designs are fun and creative. I especially like the backstage creature silhouettes.

I thought the game was aware how RPG maker pixel games can't be the most scary visuals around but it goes so far by knowing that 馃檹 I also have massive respect on the decision to add little to no jump scares and instead relying on the mood and context for the horror.

Compliments aside, I encountered some mild bugs I achieved by pressing the confirm button quickly and repeatedly. Like opening the status menu while standing by an area with something interactable triggers both the status box and the option text box to show up. Another is the fade screen in the arcade game being stuck on a certain frame, I couldn't see where I was going till I loaded the arcade game again. Both of which I think is a usual problem in RPG maker games.

Hope to see more of your stuff soon!

edit: it's not all sunshines and rainbows, I didn't realize making a new game would auto save in the top most save file. 5 hours down the drain 馃槩

Simply charming.

I'd love to casually read more of the characters in a comic or novel.

2nd game I tried from the bundle for racial justice and equality,

It scratches this specific spot for me where I just wanna wander in a town with a day and night cycle with quests i dont have to complete asap.

Kinda bugged me that some designs like the sound and visuals doesn't give a clear feedback to the player when interacted.

It's rough and charming, I'm pretty lost but I suppose that's a part of it. I'll try playing it with the guide this time.