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A member registered Jul 15, 2021 · View creator page →

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It  honestly could be, thinking of it, but a low number would make it op so, Uh.

new babi and item ideas!

Ok so baby idea, The bulletkin baby (wrng game!!!1!1!!!1!), ok so basically bulletkin baby would be just like brother bobby but instead, shooting yellow projectiles instead of the normal blue and having  a slightly lowered fire rate, but would also have to reload every once in a while, after killing like, 50 enemies it can become a veteran bulletkin, which increases fire rate, and damage, it would also be able to shoot enemies in nearby lanes.

ok so, item idea, Rainbow chest, (I SAID, WRNG GAEM WHATS WRONG WITH YOU!!!!1!!1111!1!) Rainbow chest, upon buying, will send you to the first floor, with 4 babies the player had previously, it is the players choice on which 4, upon beating the first floor a choice of all unlocked babies would appear, prompting you to choose 2, this prompt would appear every single first floor of every single chapter.

meat cube is not mandatory.

I loved the part when eggman said its egging time and then egged all over everyone.

I second that!

(1 edit)

ok so basically, I love this game ok ok, y'know what else I love,  slowing enemies, so I suggest a challenge, it works like this: blue room, a bit longer than usually, likely the room before the boss, with 2 babies, freezer baby (sorry if thats not the exact name, my memories horrid) and snowball, slightly increased heart drops, and the snowglobe (costing 150 instead of free because  y e s) beating this challenge would give icecube baby, basically cube of meat with freezing, so like, 75 hearts.   (Upon reviewing other peoples comments, my idea for icecube baby kinda sucks and I dont wanna erase anything because I'll probably screw up and delete something important i said without noticing)

Theory, the Ram addition will be Pietro. what other choice is there?
(I'm only half joking)

This game is gold, from the art to the story, hell even to the music, one of my favorite parts of this game is the real life backgrounds, it makes the game look absolutely gorgeous! And the story is absolutely incredible, although as its a demo currently I cant give a true review of the whole game, but so far its kept me hooked on revealing the mystery. Overall, it reminds me of night in the woods, which is one of my favorite games of all time.

m o u s e   g i r l (with haha moose pun skin because moose mouse get it hahahah kill me)

I figured out another way, copy (and paste) the glove file and replace 1 with 2 in the name of the file


I haven't finished this game but I have enjoyed it a lot, from where I'm at however, I do hope to find digestion in the game

(1 edit)

Just played through like, 3 endings, all I have to say is, Middle aged Gerard.

Just kidding, The endings I did do were great, and some kinda sad, but I did have a nice time playing and I can't wait to see anything else you make in the future

Forgot to say, I LOVED the game (Even though I couldn't get 2 of the endings)

I saw this was posted and pulled a moist critikal reaction.

I'd like an option to play as a furry character instead of a human, but idk if that'd even work story-wise.

Later in development could you add a optional furry player character?

The game opens but clicking any options on the start screen will crash the game, I'm on windows 8.1