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A member registered Sep 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing I'm glad you enjoyed it! I was unaware of that glitch so I'll definitely go back to fix it and add some mid-way checkpoints, being sent back to the beginning can get annoying for sure.  Thank you for the feedback!

This was a great game, the concept, and art was really fun. The only thing I would say is that maybe add a speed-up button. I died a lot and having to get back to the place I died at the current speed felt like it took to long. Really enjoyed it though would love to see a full version someday!

I loved this game! Physics was fun,  controls were responsive, cool power-ups!

I thought the art and the randomized spawn were cool, I really liked exploring the level.  I would say that the enemy or player hitboxes were too big since kept getting hit even tho I wasn't close. Maybe don't put enemies where the player spawns, I took damage when loading in. 

Hey, I thought your game was great! Tight responsive movement makes it feel nice to control.  A change I would like to see is for the camera to be expanded. I would have to take leaps of faith often just to see what to do next.

Sorry for not providing credit to your art, I added the proper credits on my projects that use your tilesets. I love your art frfr.

(2 edits)

Castlevania-styled platformer I made with your tileset:

you got 99-0 get riped bozo

Here's this game I made with your amazing tile set!

Sick game, glad somebody made a fighting game in Godot!

cool game

sick game really fun! Kinda reminds me of a mix between specter knight and shovel knight, level design is on point. only thing I would change is that in some levels the timer goes behind the background. Keep up the good work.

cool game