Thanks! I got it again! Somewhere in the line I forgot something...
Fret Karton
A member registered Oct 05, 2023
Recent community posts
Hi Hexa, Love the update so far. I know I was saying about cigarettes a while ago, but now Melissa is in the game, it suits her character, so no complaints from me. You once made a christmas story, why not an easter story likewise? I would like to see those bunnies ;) hopping. I'm not finished yet with this update, still going on, but am looking forward to the next one already. Keep on he great work!
Yesterday played the new updat, and it only makes me wanting more of this Cafe. But as there are so many girls involved, it's sometimes hard to think of who is who. Is there somewhere an overview from the Founding Families and there members? I'm losing track now and then. Keep on the goor work, and don't make us wait too long. Thanks so far!
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