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A member registered Sep 01, 2018 · View creator page →

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I got an error "Cannot find VL Gothic font" when I tried to run the game (though the font files are in the directory). I was able to play after manually installing the font to my machine. The art is very impressive and the story is quite charming.

game mechanics: Goes too fast, almost no asteroids so very low challenge . 6/10.  Art: good. 9/10.  sound: sounds were good. 8/10. Polish: The stars and planets were in the foreground, there's no menu or mute option, other than that it's good. 7/10.  Story: basic nondescript story but really cannot imagine any improvements. 7/10. overall 37/50

game mechanics: The ladders are kind of difficult to use, otherwise works well. 7/10.  art: Serves its purpose perfectly well, nothing notable to say about it. 8/10. sound: sounds and music were good. 8/10  polish: there was no option to adjust the sound volume,  sound didn't play when I started it once, some menu screens, but they are unfinished and would rather not have them there in that state. the game itself is otherwise very polished. 6/10. story: only made it to level three, but unless there's something at the end there's really no story to speak of.  3/10. overall 32/50.

Thanks for your help! What would be the best way to be able to run the same code either on my own machine or through itch.io, and have it work either way (if there is one)?

I get a cross origin request error when I try to use AJAX (XMLHttpRequest) locally on my machine. I would assume that it wouldn't work on itch.io either, Am I right about that? If so, what am I doing wrong?

I want to use text files to store JSON that I can  read from via my main index.html file, in the same directory within the zip file. I have been unable to find any general Javascript way to achieve this, so I'm wondering if anyone else has successfully done this for itch.io, and if so, how they did it. One can load entire scripts, so surely simply reading text is possible, right?

Is there a bug I'm unaware of? I am able to get No's. If you ask the same question to the same subject, you will get the same answer.

Here's what we made: https://charliechumbuck.itch.io/thevengefulorb

Can't seem to run it in my browser

Asks me to open a file when I run it and then doesn't work