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A member registered Jan 19, 2021 · View creator page →

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Veneficium community · Created a new topic Nice work so far
(1 edit)

Hey guys.  Fellow game dev here.  I decided to try your game out since both of us are creating games about witches  :)  Even though in your universe seems like the witches are aliens...

I played through to the second level but I couldnt find a way to get to the next island.  I see there are areas locked off but are you supposed to be able to get to the next island on the second level?  Seems like the second level is a dead end at the moment.

Nice game overall.  I like the concept and the controls feel good and the menus look nice.  I like the stylized look of the character and environments and I like how the elemental abilities interact with the environments in different ways.  Really cool idea for a game.

Now for the issues, the main issue you should be aware of is that when I first ran the game, my OS(windows 8) identified it as suspicious software and didnt want to run it.  I intially thought it may be a virus and I almost deleted it but decided to try it anyway.  Windows 8 pops up a message saying the software is unidentified and will not be run.  At this message, you have to click "More details" and then click "Run anyway" before the game will run.  I don't know if this is the case with all Unity games or what but a lot of people may be scared away by that.  You should at least have some message indicating what to do if the message pops up for Windows users.  Also, the mouse continues to move the camera even when the pause menu is open.  And just one piece of advice; dont identify the object that kills the player, it's pretty obvious. Just say the player died.  Or don't give any message at all and just let the player restart.

Overall I'm very impressed by this game.  Keep at it!

(1 edit)

Hi Hula_Noob.  Thanks for taking the time to play the game and write a review.  This game is still in development and I'm taking your feedback into consideration while working on updates.  I agree that the reaction time for closing your eyes is too short.  I've made some changes including adding a "Hard" mode and a more forgiving "Normal" mode to the game with a longer reaction time for closing your eyes.  I've already uploaded an updated version of the game with these changes.

(2 edits)

Hey guys.  I'm relatively new and just found this nifty thread.  I'm a web developer(Angular) in my day job and moonlight as a game developer.  

I've been researching and tinkering with game engines for over 10 years now which really only resulted in a few different game prototypes.  I started out learning about the Quake3 source code when it became open source.  Later, I spent a great deal of time tinkering with the Torque Game Engine.  At this point, I've messed around with most of the major game engines including UE4, UDK, Unity,  Ogre3d, Neoaxis, CryEngine, Lumberyard, Rad3d, Blitz3d, PanardVision, Turbulenz, Esenthel, and a few others I can't remember right now.  I finally settled on using Godot3d and created a full demo of my first game, The Witch's Maze.  I uploaded a short demo of the game which can be found here: check it out and tell me what you think.

Great to meet you guys.

Great!  If you do decide to check it out please leave your comments on the game page.  Thanks!

Hey Creeper Games.  Are you still doing game reviews?  If so (or if anyone elses interested) please check out my short horror game when you have the time.  I just published it yesterday: the witch's maze