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F r i z z

A member registered Sep 27, 2023 · View creator page →

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here use this link :)

good luck!

thanks! You too!

(1 edit)

thank you for playing :) about the flashlight not turning on, that is a forced feature so while people are hiding in the safe rooms on the water level, you can fully see the lights outside being changed and not mixed up with ur flashlight!

Next time i make a game like this, i will maybe add way points, and on puzzles where i want to give a challenge, i will try describe the hints a lot more clearer :) 

thank you for the feedback, i was planning on adding a reduce motion option but couldnt find the time as i had school coming, next time i participate in a jam and my game has bobs, i will make sure to have a reduce motion setting :)

thank you for the feedback, i plan to improve next time :)

Hey this was actually pretty fun to play, some things you could remember in the future is to include the theme a lot more at the beginning since the game in the beginning didn't feel like it matched the theme. Overall, pretty fun to play, you could possibly resume this project and make it bigger in the future!

(5 edits)

Thank you for playing :D

sorry for a bit of story confusion and words in dialogue. I am making an update to fix some of the little teeny mistakes.(when i have the chance)

Spooktober Game Jam community · Created a new topic Hey :)

idk why i made this but hey