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Frog & Panda

A member registered Jun 06, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hi, we are sorry for taking so long to review your game. We actually played it yesterday but we didn't have enough free time to write the review until now, so here it is.

First of all, you chose really hard graphic limitations but it seems like you followed them with success.

Also, the concept of the game is really interesting and fun, simple platformer mechanics mixed with puzzle level designs and a bit of physics. 

However, we found that the game controls for the keyboard were a little confusing. We are used to having the directional movement keys on our left side (e.g. WASD), and the action keys on our right side (maybe arrow keys, numbers, etc). Also, we wanted to point out that, as far as we know, the ZX81 keyboard didn't include neither the arrow keys or the control key. 

We (which actually means Frog, because Panda was only watching him play over the shoulder), got a little stuck in some levels. Especially in the one that's called "Seems a bit easy". As you probably know by now, there's some kind of "bug" that makes the key item slide upwards to the surface that's above the player when the player releases it as it surpases it. Do you understand what we're talking about? The thing is, there were some levels, the one aforementioned above all, that were so hard to complete for us that we thought there might me some mechanics that weren't properly explained. We even thought that the so-called "bug" might not be a bug but a mechanic itself. We were unsure about that and we hope that you can clarify it for us. The double jump thing was also slightly complicated to get used to, since you can only double jump if and only if you press the space bar key after the first jump arc is completed. We think it might be a good idea to allow the player double jump regardless if the first jump arc is over or not. 

We played through the entire demo, so we could get a grasp of the whole thing, and overall we think the idea is great and it is bound to be much greater with these few retouches. We're excited for you to release more levels and we'll be willing to try them once they're out. 

Good luck on your project(s).

Also, we want to wish you a happy new year. Let all your dreams and wishes come true, and let's keep in touch! 

❤️Frog & Panda

First of all, sorry for taking so long to answer. We have read your comment right when you posted it, but, as Panda told you on Instagram, she has been really busy with her programming finals, plus we have met offline for the first time since we know each other, so it's been quite an emotional time full of to-dos, so haven't been able to write a proper response yet.

To begin with, as always, we want to thank you for your detailed review. It is always welcome and helpful for us to make things better. We are happy that you liked the concept, that our speaking a big deal (I mean, that you could understand everything we said without problems), and that you gave it a try. 

As for your suggestions we already took them into account. We had thought about making a tutorial ever since we planned the game, but had it hard to find the time to do so. However, we got it ready and we included it in our game downloads section, which we released a week ago. We hope that you try it when you have time and you tell us what you think. 

Regarding your other suggestions (aka including a time limit for recipes, accepting several orders at a time and making a story mode), we also had already considered them. As for the time limit and the several order thing, we believed that it wouldn't be as enjoyable so we discarded the idea, at least for the time being, though we might give it a second thought in the future. As for the story mode thing, we decided to include a little lore at the beginning of a new game, and also, naturally, we explained it in our post; never the less specifically creating a story mode is not a part of our plans for this project, but we will keep your suggestion as an idea for our upcoming game projects for the impaired.

Once again, thank you for taking your time and for supporting what we do. Let's keep in touch

- Frog


First of all, we are really thankful and we highly appreciate the fact that you took your time to play our game and to leave such a thorough and well-detailed review. Your feedback definetely helps us to notice mistakes and to fix them for the upcoming projects. In the case of Recycle Land, we were aware of the controls and the short music loop thing, but we couldn't fix it anymore because the jam had already ended and we're not allowed to post updates.  However, a new version is already ready for release, and we're waiting to be allowed to launch it. 

Once again, thank you and let's keep on cherishing and supporting each other :)



The frozen screen thing might have just been my PC. It sometimes crashes on its own, just like me when I don't sleep (haha, I'm not funny, I'm cringey, I'm sorry).  And the minor English typos are okay. We're also not native speakers of English and we sometimes make TERRIBLE mistakes. But we're here to help each other, right? 

Good luck on your upcoming projects. We'll definetely check them! 


Thank you for leaving a review! We really appreciate it and we are happy that you enjoyed the concept. 

-Frog & Panda


This is Frog and Panda to announce that the web version of One Minute in Universe is now available! ◄ (Over here!)

We think that it might be more comfortable for you to play it straight on the web. We recommend that you play it in full-size screen, though. Tell us what you think about this new version. As a gamer, do you rather play web versions or desktop versions? Tell us about it in the comments! We want to hear from you to make better games for you. 

As always, we're really thankful for all of you guys who support us by visiting our profile, playing our games, leaving reviews and sharing our content with others. We hope we can become a part of's big big family! 💗

- Frog & Panda Panda & Frog (That was Panda's last-minute editing. )

Hi!! This is our first post in the community. 

We're Frog & Panda, a pair of geeks who are crazy enough to want to join the gaming industry :') 

We just released "Blindfolded Chef", a game in which you play the role of a blindfolded chef (pretty self-explanatory, right?) The game is thought for visually-impaired people, and it is our project for a game jam based upon that. In the game, you will have to cook the dishes that customers order following the recipe that the little voice in your head tells you to use (actually the voice is mine D:) 

You have over 30 recipes to complete and there will be more to come! We're working on new stuff that we're gonna release anytime soon :) So don't miss anything and stay tuned! 

We'd highly super super highly appreciate it if you could visit our game page, try the game even if it is for a short while, leave a comment, recommend, etcetcetc. ♥♥ We just want our game to be seen! 

On top of that, we'll be more than happy to answer all comments one by one and to review your games as well.

Let's help each other! 

-Frog and Panda 

 Frog and Panda's profile link ◄ Click here or on our name ♥

Our game's link!


I just tried your game and I really liked the concept. The music is so!!! great. Did you make it? Or is it free-to-use music? The visuals are really beautiful, really "aesthetic". It makes me want to play again. 

I wanted to point out that on the very beginning, the following message shows: 

  • "you can use these key preset to play & naviguate trough menus"

It would be more linguistically correct to say "You can use this (in singular) key preset to play & navigate (without "u") through (with "th") menus." 

It is just a sidenote. The game looks great and seems fun! 

My screen got frozen after I was playing a song for a while and I opened the menu to change music. But I don't know if that's related to the game or if it was just me. I'll check the game out when I have more time and I'll write another review (hopefully, a more thourough one).

But I really wanna highlight that the visuals were CHARMING! 

Great job! Keep it up. :) 

I will also appreciate it if you guys reviewed some of our games. It'd be really helpful. 



Thank you for playing our first game as well. We really take every aspect that you mention in your comments into account. You made us smile when we woke up to the surprise of having a new Mr. Hobbyist review. 

Regarding the song "Change", it was love at first sight (well, at first hearing) for us, and we can't deny that we are also kinda obsessed with it.

We just released our brand new game, titled "Blindfolded Chef", a game thought for visually-impaired gamers. We would appreciate your opinion on it, as well.

Once again, thank you. Let's keep in touch and support each others projects.

- Frog&Panda

It must have made you feel terrible that they deleted the entire jam without even judging your game, we feel sorry for that because we know how important feedback is, so we are here to give you some.

We liked your entry for the lost cartridge game jam, for which we also participated. We will leave a review for it once we have played for a little longer so we can give you a good, thorough, valuable review. We would also appreciate it if you could leave a review on our games.

Let's keep in touch.

- Frog&Panda

The art style is so great!!! I fell in love with it. The texture looks so.. real :o 

I'm learning to draw for the jams as well, so I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one. Well, playing your game I realised I still have a looooooooooong way to go ^^" 

It was cute to read that you're a couple working together for the games. We're also a couple (Frog and Panda, pretty self-explanatory, right? XD) 

Let's support each other :D 

-Panda ♥

am i allowed to cry? T-T 

you're the cutest person on earth, for real.  ♥

when i get some of my sleep back, i'll check your profile and i'll leave some reviews about what's sure to be a great job :D 

-panda (and frog through the discord call)


We are really thankful that you played our game and you're leaving us some feedback. We highly appreciate it ♥ We are happy that you enjoyed the game and that you liked the concept and the level design. 

In my case (Hi! I'm Panda ✨💫) it was my first time creating music for a game and I was ATTACKED! But I'm glad that you enjoyed it. To be fairly honest, I was 100% aware of the short loop thing, but I honestly didn't know how to use the tools that I had to create a longer one (plus, I had no energy left, the bags under my eyes made me look like an actual panda, hihi). But stay tuned for the new stuff we're bringing! We're gonan rock! (Okay, that was a lil way too savage). Last but not least, the moral of the story: PLEASE RECYCLE <3 <3 That's the key point of the whole thing. I hope to see you soon on our platform ♥ Hands up for warm-hearted players like you. You're the ones who encourage us to do what we do. ♥♥♥♥ (-Panda)

As for me (Hi! I'm the Frog man 🐸) I became aware of my not-so-ideal decision regarding the keybindings, but it was too late when I did TwT I thought of picking K/O or L/P (as a way of re-creating the original game-boy buttons). I'm impressed that you noticed it and I thank  you for your feedback. It is definetely helpful and inspiring for the games to come. (I'm also impressed that you analyzed it so thoroughly but you didn't find any bug... I did some intensive testing but I tend to self-boycott my own work so I was pretty sure that there had to be something that I forgot fixing... Oops, that was meant to stay inside my head *hides in panic*). (-Big Papa Frog)


Is this made for blind gamers?


¿Cómo van a recortar algo personas invidentes? 

¿Y no debería ser en inglés?

No sé si lo has copiado de algún sitio, pero me parece un poco fuerte que subas un juego en PDF con un reglamento en PDF siendo una jam específicamente para personas con problemas de vista. ¿Es una broma? Porque qué mal gusto...


this is great

- Panda

Glad you liked it ^^

The game was developed in Unity.

- Frog 🐸

my jaw just dropped

and it hurt.

- Panda ♥

How can I play it? 

-Panda ♥

That's such a cute comment!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much ♥ This is really reassuring, cause I'm super new to pixelart and I feel like I suck at it. Actually the key of the game is to know which hammer you have to use to kill a certain enemy: the glass bottle is killed with the green hammer; the paper roll is killed with the blue one; and the lil cutie angry candy piece is killed with the yellow hammer. It is all explained in the game post so feel free to check it out if you want to battle the terrifying final boss on level three 8-) 

We hope that you enjoyed the game and we are dearly thankful for your playing and for your comment. You encourage us to continue on making games like this and better ones to come :) 

Thx and keep it up ♥ 

-Panda ✨💫

Frick you D:

Sadly, we  can't play the game, either :( 

I hope you can fix the .exe so that we can try what is probably a great game! ♥ 

- Panda ✨💫

I am lucky that this time I had "colacola" thrown at me and not beer barrels. Those were heavy as freak! 

Good luck and keep it going! ♥ 

- Panda ✨💫

I'm gonna be brutally honest. I didn't manage to play the game. (I mean, not to ACTUALLY play the game). I feel dummy. 

BUT the moment I saw the thumbnail I cracked in panic. It looks so damn good. Ah... The good ol' days! I'm such a grandma.

Good luck!!

- Panda ✨💫

I'm lucky not to be the onion. 

Great game, though. Really funny! Shall you try ours and leave us a comment? :) 

Good luck!! 

-Panda ✨💫

This looks SO good. Dem aesthetics, cmon. Bro. Let's be friends.


Anyways. We were meant to make a game that "feels" vintage. But you actually made A vintage game. 

- Panda ✨💫

P.S: I'm really cringey at making friends. Sawrry.

I think the game looks great so far (though I still haven't got much of a taste of it, but I definetely will). What confuses me is the 3 very different aesthetics shown in the screenshots. Are all of them part of the same game? Are all of them drawn by the same person? Because to me they seem to be taken from 3 different games with 3 different styles and 3 different storylines. Great job, anyways ♥ I'm freakin' scared to battle you!! >-< 

- Panda ✨💫