hi here's a random thought dump about marks promo picture thingy. The one referencing son of man by Magritte.
I really like this choice of imagery to represent Mark. This of course is probably magrittes most famous paintings and has been referenced many times. Probably most notably by jojos bizarre adventure with the stand wonder of u.
I think both burrows and jojos takes inspiration and meaning from this painting in a similar way.
Magritte specifically said this about his painting-
"Everything we see hides another thing"
Behind the fruit is a man
So many details are omitted
But if you remove the fruit what's behind the man himself
The more information you seek the more there is to be found.
In jojos the wonder of u creates calamity the more he is pursued. The closer you get the more volatile things become. The only way to truely be safe is to never know of his existence in the first place.
I belive mark is similar.
The game places you in a position where you can do nothing but wonder.
You meet Mark and instantly you can see so many details of him ommited. But the more you learn you see things become more volatile
Everything you see hides another thing.
As things become more unerving it makes you wonder if you should've never looked behind the fruit
Maybe the only way to avoid calamity was to never have known him in the first place
Or maybe the creator of the vn just likes that painting and it fit mark cause he wears a cool suit lolllllllllll
Anyways that's all for my random thought dump :))))))