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Games From The Abyss

A member registered Mar 02, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hey there! Development is active again :D 
And full time right now!

Heyy thanks for your feedback and video! 
Just a question, was it your verry first playthrough?

That's the proper way to play it hahahaha
Thanks for the video and also feedback!!! Loved It

Heyyyy thanks for playing :D 

Heyyy thanks for the gameplay and also feedback :D
And yeahhh I'll work on it till it's done!

Hahahahaha great video dude, loved it :D 

Opaaa valeu por jogar e também pelo video :D
Podexá que vou continuar trampando nesse projeto, até lançarrr!

yeah making resident evil 4 remake was hard, i had to uploaded the demo here on itch as well

oops hehehe 
Lot of people were like: wait is he naked?? 

But actually using boxers 

Thanks mate :D
More of it comming "soon" hahahaha

Thanks for taking your time and playing it and also making the video, I really appreciate it :D 

Ohh nice! :D 
We need to shake that discord hahaha

And nice video btw, love the reactions :D

thanks for that :D

Hey!!! Thanks a lot for the feedback and also the video! 
I'm glad that you liked it :D
Stay tuned for more hahaha

And yeah I'm planning on releasing a steam version later on, just gotta develop more of it :)

Hey! Dope gameplay, loved the video!
Well there are some secrets but you got it all

The other locked door (hatch) will only be available on the full game, i should had hidden it for this version so people wouldn't be confused about it

Anyway that's a lesson for me :D
Thanks for playing, leaving feedback and also for the video!

thanks for playing and also for the video xD

Oh thanks for that, nice gameplay btw :D
The full version will exist!!!

Heyy Thanks :D

Grazie!!! (i searched it on google translate)

Thanks a lot :D
I'll work hard on it

Fico feliz que tenha curtido xD

Dude awesome gampeplay! The freestyle rap on the ending was so funny hahahhaahahaha

Btw i can't belive you defeated the lacerator with that continous kicking, i think you were in a spot where it was safe to do that (that i didn't knew hahaha) 

I recommend you try another run without losing your arm, things can be quite different :D

anyway thanks for playing and also posting, dope video man :D

Thanks for taking your time and playing it, i appreciate it! 

Hope you have even more fun playing the full game 🤘🏻

Thanks!!! Nice gameplay btw!

Hey thanks for playing and also for the video! 

Yeah you can open it! The code is in a note! I'm sure you find it

Hey awesome to read this, I'm glad you liked it :D 

I'm trying to make something ddifferent, cool to see people are liking it 😁

Love the video, so sexy! Thanks for playing!!!

thank you!!!
I appreciate it :D