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A member registered Apr 24, 2022

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I put little bit of misinformation sorry 

Here's it is: 

The dev is a solo but he has a writer that's checks spelling words and lewd text and other dialogue 

(Sorry about that)

my comment on the drama below

so the dev is a newbie artist and a game developer and it takes time to master it 

a dead project i do think not and it´s true that the latest update was in october people who aren´t in discord there is a trello v0.21a in discord that everyone can see and the latest activity was on the 7th of this month 

and oh the game wasn´s update in couple of months and i´m going to call a scam grow up will ya look at grove and prowler they are also made in rpg maker it took months to make it (or upadate it)

and people can do with their own money as they please and not tell them to stop pay him because he´s a scammer if he was a scammer we would have stopped paying him a long time ago you could have asked is the project dead or something and not be a dick about it 

gthyjutrefgvt: you too you could have write a calm and mannered text and explain him/her to it and not be rude 

zephyr: the dev is´t a solo dev he has a writer 

Ah i see so that is the save files i was looking at


(1 edit)

Mister/madam Ekull

Do you know were are the save files at?

Or doesn't have any 

This a gay furry vn game buuuutttttt the Class rep(ayako) though 🤔 

So far the game is amazing

But I have 1 Complaint 

the gallery needs to be reworked 

There's some scene isn't there for example aiden pind tate down there Supposed to be 3 scenes maybe 4 but no matter what you only get 1 not 3 maybe 4 and nsfw+sfw scene take 1 slot per that scene they need to be merge instead of Click that and escape and click that over again instead click ot move your arrow keys left or right and also in gallery room I can't see 2 other names 1 a top and 1 at bottom that's all 

Bottom of my heart sir or madam I am Displeased How the art room looks like

anyways great game btw 

(1 edit)

So I played it after learning the basics and collection loot after that I was like let me test nsfw Content and noticed something I found out that there are 2 scenes with the enemy's 

Are they going be all scenes with only 2? (If you don't get 1 enemy with different scenes) 

And test what happens if don't come back before dark (your dead meat if I found you(Pricing on the dick nah)) 

Anyways art is very good and sound too 

There's some things I want point out ik the game is fresh 

1st lack of Description like want symbol effects you have or lust(I think there's lust in the game I am not sure but after 1 scene with the Enemy the mc blushes and has a boner) 

2st Escaping taps needs to be rework since some times I escape and some times I don't I am spamming a and d since game tells me to spam it it's like playing on hard Difficulty 

3rd what's with the lvl I haven't found anything useful 

Anyways keep up the good work and it's really amazing for a demo

Edit: forget to mention I will come back to this when has more more content(not the full release) 

add a minigun?

Cars? (Maybe a bike or motorbike would be nice) travel faster + more storage space (vehicles) 

Since there's no question topic 

My question is on v0.1.0 will there be new monster and new sex animation?

+a new area? 

+since I saw dicks on the character I assuming it s just futa or it's m/m , m/f ? 

(1 edit)

He/she has a patreon you can get build 0.1.0per1 on patreon

Idk if does exist in game and that means they are the first npc in the game(not monsters)  if they are all grown up it means they work for me (gathering food,killing monster, ect...(I am assuming that will happen))  oh Wait if the Creator adds Incest(my kids are all grown up) it means I will fuck them and make more kids 

my sex army is coming  😈 


is it possible to move  this text some were more down or to the side  

(2 edits)

I just realised I was playing the old version of the game so main menu button doesn't need to be add 🤣 and bugs (maybe)

so we're do I start 

Before I start let me tell you how I found this game I have found this on Another website I downloaded it and played it so I what to find more about this game so I Type it in google and found it on and I immediately add this to my collection and I am reviewing this game 

i have seen the latest build on Petron and I am Excite for the public build to be Released

Disclaimer: I'm not a English speaker and I'm using Auto Correct so there will miss spelling words I will do my best to correct the grammar 

now let's start.  

1st.  So far the game as little Content and it's fun I played around with the Settings and exploring everything  it was fun till I realised there's a build mode I haven't tried it yet 

2nd. The game lacks Tutorial and meaning about Features like heat mode wave or linear (it doesn't say) I haven't yet figured out food and Water benefits 

3nd. Now the fun part 

This game has Potential (hopefully the Creator Doesn't Abandoned this game like the others)  and I like to see this game have 500+ Enemies + nsfw Content(pls make the best game ever) 

4th. Now let's Talk about the cons and suggestions and bugs (I know there's a topic about this but i will put this on here) 

1. The game doesn't have returned to main menu so every time I have quit the game and reload it again and again and again for love of God pls add the returned to main menu button 

2. I have Encounter 2 bugs 

1st.a. bug sometimes there's nsfw going on after finish my character Disappears and I still hear it moving but the Camera doesn't move and Enemy doesn't react 

1st.b. pls add a unStuck button

2nd. The goat does this idk the word for it but after it hits the wall it just Stays there doesn't move and can't hit it 

3nd. The house  

Nothing really special 

So here's my suggestion add hide outs like every new area you find a hide out (you must find it First to unlock it) forest or town hide out  you can customise with build mode but there's a Catch your home will be raid it by Monsters you will have time Period when they come (rolanda you Decide the default days (i would say 4 days in game)) if you stay in the house sometime will happen to you (if your knockdown) and Special scene will happen group nsfw scene (like goat + silme goat+wolf or wolf+silme etc...(I would say 3 times with different scenes)) I would say 30 to 50 Monsters will spawn (if you leave before the raid nothing will happen)

I Mentioned knockdown why you ask simple you can Defend it(if you leave before the raid you can't take it back) without getting knockdown after that you will have 16 days(my default) before the next raid now will the hide out you have to clear it from the monsters 3-7 after that you have unlock the hide out(or base if you call it) like the house you will have a raid in 16 days(again if you knockdown 3 different scenes will happen(group nsfw)) every raid will 10-15 monster(my default(you can Customize to easy all the way to hardcore)) if there's a raid in your different hide out nothing will happen except that monster will stay there like 2-7(my default) you will have to Clear it again before using your stuff 

4th. The ui 

So the ui is OK but I would like you to add hover over it(like hover a specific thing) and press f button and Control menu pls I want to set it way I like it 

5th. Add a minigun (I don't know if there's one(idk if there's guns in the game) 

6th. Desire and Reverse nsfw 

If Desire is 60-90% you can Resist it if your Desire is about 90% you can't resist it but there will be a new scene and you will accept it not forced and new Emotion like lustful and Happiness not angry 

And now Reverse nsfw if the monster is dizzy/confused hit it with heavy attack so it can be knockdown of your Desire is 60% or about you can do it (new scenes) but be careful with sharp weapons it takes longer to get knockdowns but non-sharp weapons like baseball bat it Takes less knockdowns 

Also if Press h button Instead of monster attacking you they will come to you and do the scene together (idk what to put I will say  add new scene but it's up too you if you want it) 

Also if don't mind can you add a new scenes if have you back turned around and monster Catches you Instead of the front scene but back scene (like the goat catches you instead of sucking just backwards) that Includes the knockout but instead of the front it's the back

7th. Add the gallery for nsfw Content

8th. Add anti baby pills(there's another word for it but can't spell it) 

9th. Currently there's no npc but when it arrives can you add dating features too the npc  

Now my Q&A for you 

1st. Hp bar do you plan to add something? It goes down but There's nothing special 

2nd. Since impregnation is coming on your next build is three Going to be a childbirth scene and do you have to raise it?

3nd. This post was Sponsored by raid shadow legends 

And that's all for my review 

Also take you time to finish it do not rush it focus on bug fixing and visuals fixing  I don't mind if you dislike it it's just suggests of Mine 

and people these are just ideas for the game it's up to the Creator to add them he/her can change it However they like I am not forcing this at all 



Have you heard a goat extend car warranty 

(3 edits)

Thank you i need to buy some ram and how much vram i need and is it nevidia 1080/amd v64 only 4gb or 8

1080 is 8gb but I still can run it 

Also when is the full build out 

When full game is out can you add to (steam game  isn't available in my region)

How much for the full game price 

So I played for few hours lots of bugs and when I died item are not there  

And who puts f for jump 

I uninstall the game and I will be back again for the full release 

hej thx for games on profil i didt know

how do i get Arthur

i need system requirements pls  

The broken one what is it

(1 edit)

What is the max level? 

And Heart and skull in the gallery 

Can you add a menu menu ui not every time Quit please 

And Pregnancy and return to menu ui 

Ui and saves needs a overhaul

So i don't waste time 

That's why i stopped playing the game i will play it when I have a pc (i stopped at 12v update) also please add House to buy in any village ( a house should cost like 1500 money) 

Could you maybe add a dating feature/romance like for furkan or in bear tribe like for any tribe you made add 1 character for each tribe to date for dating stories or add for combat like each 10lv you get skill for the skill tree some passive some Active it would spice things up for rpg and ai can have them to like 20lv ai has 2 skills I like to be radom skills for experiences the gameplay 

Maybe you add them who knows. form my idea if really like my idea plz don't put me in the credits from my idea 

I really want to date furkan soo bad 

Ps if you see any miss spellings english is not my language :)

Question  wenn is the next update  i don't want to be rude  i like your game but i need  Answers  and keep the good work  no overworkeding 

Next update Release date and are you single or working with others people for this vn ?

Some people have not a pc or laptop or cannot buy

ChibiSE 0_55.7z vs  ChibiSE 0_5.7z  differnce plz tell me 

Delete the game and download again  it works for me