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A member registered Nov 25, 2020

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depends lol, who are you looking for?

absolutely love the game, me and me best mate have played all the updates! I am super keen to develop my own VN one day and would love the chance to join your team to help with writing/dev and so on, would be absolute killer experience for me and a great chance to participate in a story I very much am loving!

Dude, your game is slick - just started a playthrough with my friend and are on day four. Fantastic graphics/art (omg loving the backgrounds) and the look you have pulled together - well done!

Latest update is fantastic! SO worth the wait!

Lol, don't get me wrong, we will be playing every route to see what happens!!! I mean, you guys have done a fantastic job so far, so I am sure you will handle it well :) 

OOOOOOO we just tried shuns beach day last night and realised it wasnt done! thanks for the heads up! me and my bud are absolutely loving playing through it together! Keep up the good work :)

Hey, we are on our 73rd playthrough trying out all the routes and absolutely loving it! Some of the surprise um, 'omg Konusuke, where are your clothes' have had us in stitches. So much good fun!  

Just letting you know that in the beach scenes, Shun has lost his bathers - well they kinda have shifted all the way off his legs lol - so just in case you hadnt noticed :P

Wait, isnt Devon the coach? I mean im all for our star to fall in love while he is on his trip, but with the coach? Miiiiight be slipping into dodgy territory if you head down that route. Just a thought - I love what you have done so far, I'd love to be able to produce something as polished as what you have done!