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A member registered 95 days ago

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(1 edit)

Actually, You were right I've just missed them, anyway thanks, and thanks for such a great game! Ps. It would be great if You could add nipple piercing on the paper doll if taken.

hi, i've strated playing yesterday and i've already beat the 1st dungeon, when i realised that i have probably some bug and i can't find any solution, so i've decided to write it here. I noticed i didin't get any pictures (screen is always black) when having a scene, i'm just getting text message but the background is perma black, for ex. (through whole dungeon 1 i didn't get any pictures while having a scene, but im not sure if there should be any, so i just played, and didn't bother). I guess i've got everything correct to elven village?  But after that nothing is showing besides check appearance and fighting characters (lizardmen), i've tried to use debugger to erase pictures but it didn't work so i guess it's not the problem.  Please help i'm using 47.0 version downloaded through tfgames, thanks!