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A member registered Mar 25, 2015 · View creator page →

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Awesome, thanks for playing!

Sure thing! :)

ROT13: Uvag: Gurl qb abg xabj jung gurl pnaabg frr.

Grpuavpnyyl gur svryq bs ivrj bs punenpgref vf 360 qrterrf, vg qbrf abg uryc. V jvyy fnl gurer vf n jnl gb oybpx Vaqvtb jvgu gur uvatr ivfvoyr sbe Uvagba, ohg V ncbybtvmr sbe gur gevpxl rkrphgvba.

Nyy punenpgref pna frr nyy bgure punenpgref. Gur rkrphgvba zvtug or gevpxl gubhtu, V'q erpbzzraq znxvat fher Uvagba vf unccl zvahf bar uvatr gb 'grfg' lbhe cbfvgvbavat nebhaq Vaqvtb.

Uvagba pna ybbx cnfg Pybivf gb frr Vaqvtb. Vs lbh jbhyq yvxr zber uvagf yrg zr xabj, V nccerpvngr lbhe rssbeg gb fbyir vg!

Uvagba jnagf gb frr ng yrnfg 6 frgf bs uvatrf, oernxvat 3 jbhyq znxr gung vzcbffvoyr. Oernxvat 2 chgf lbh ng 5 uvatrf + bar farnxl uvatr. V ubcr gung urycf!

Rkmnivre vf na rkgerzr rkgebireg, ur yvxrf ovt tebhcf bs crbcyr. Gur bcra qbbe oybpxf uvz sebz fbpvnyvmvat jvgu Uvagba.

Sure thing, here's a ROT13 hint:

Ful crbcyr graq gb nibvq qverpg rlr pbagnpg.

Thank you very much!

Happy to hear someone found this scenario, thanks for playing! :)

I appreciate it! The final puzzle should reveal a 5 letter word to solve the case.

Glad to hear you enjoyed it. :)

Thank you Joszs. I like your suggestion, I was so focused on working on paper that I didn't think to do a browser based input system.

Proud of you! Thanks for playing!

This is lovely!

Excellent work Le Slo, cool cover art too!

Nicely done Ryan, I had fun with this!

Extremely clever!

I really like how you've incorporated 'one room' and 'puzzle' themes into the game, nicely done! :)

Such creative game-design, amazing work!

This was very fun to solve, great work!

Thank you QuadCorps! The shoe is definitely a challenge because it requires keeping track of multiple details over time.

Thank you JK5000, I appreciate it!

This is awesome, there's so much in there! Aside from some minor struggles with the camera position everything ran super smoothly. I also liked the look and feel of the character and the environment.

Great job!

Quite an ambitious entry! I've been a bit stuck breaking glass and interacting with objects but I'm not quite sure what is happening or whether something changed in the dinosaur's timeline. I might be missing something. Great work though, very creative!

Wonderful entry and excellent coffee. Although I wish the objects required a little more thinking or puzzling to find and unlock, I really liked the mood of it all. Nicely done :)

This is an incredible experience, I'm a big fan. The combination of minimalism in terms of mechanics and the cryptic instructions is extremely engaging. Fascinating sound design as well.

Are you planning to make more games in the future?

Interesting puzzle concept with adorable visuals. Although I wish I could have walked the duck from tile to tile, I liked the rewinding mechanic. Nice work!

This is a thoughtfully designed puzzle-game entry, I really enjoyed it. I like how you've incorporated the theme in the visuals as well as the mechanics. Great job! :)

Thank you for the kind words Black Mastiff Studio!

Thank you Ede!

Thank you Swinny!

Hi Val, I've updated the game with a reset level button:

Thanks a lot! :)

Thank you very much :) Really enjoyed your entry!

Very nice work, I liked the evolving levels. I wish the dangers were a little more predictable visually before they show up. Besides that it's a great way to teach the player. Good job :)

That's very kind, thanks a lot :)

Cool concept! I especially liked the destructible terrain.

Thanks a lot, I appreciate it :)

Thanks Val! :) I'll try to do a small quality of life update sometime after the jam when I find the time.
I'd love to add in some tweaks and improvements as well as some level select/reset options.

That's very kind, I appreciate it! :) Thanks for letting me know about the accidental solve as well. (I aim to avoid those)