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A member registered Jul 27, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playtesting our game! I am very glad you made it to acceptance in the end.

Thanks for your feedback!

I am very sorry for your loss. It's a pitt our game coulnd't fulfill your high hopes. Though I thank you for your valid feedback!

Thanks for playtesting! As you already mentioned, the game was made within only 6 Weeks of our semester so it is still lacking lot's of polishing! But gladly you did enjoy your ride though. Regarding your questions, we intended to leave some space for interpretation for the players. So it is not defined what kind of loss our character deals with. Also the gender of both character is not defined as geneder is not important for this expericence.

Thanks for your playtesting love

I started crying too, but mostly because I am so happy about all the positive feedback

Thanks! We are happy for any feedback that we can get :)

Thanks for the amazing gameplay video! I am very happy you immediatley found the way through all the stages :)

Wow, thanks for playing our game! We are glad you liked it.