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A member registered Jan 28, 2020

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using DID as a trope for horror, even if it's not actually true, and going around and using false information like saying that an elderly person (or anyone older than 10 or 11 for that matter), can develop a disorder like DID is factually incorrect. the DID part of the story wasn't wanted or needed and is just another added overused trope that's literally nothing more than adding stigmatization to an already highly stigmatized disorder and not to mention mild fearmongering. 

i highly suggest not doing this shit in the future. 

-sincerely, someone with DID who's tired of their disorder being played off as a horror trope :)

hi, another person with DID here. i don't think you understand how fiction effects reality, and i also don't think you understand that your experiences in life aren't universal. 

there are medical professionals who refuse to believe that DID exists despite the evidence backing it up, and there are people who believe that movies like "split" are good representation of them. i've seen medical professionals, (or those who claim to be them), claim that DID and other disorders like it (such as BPD) are dangerous. people with DID (and mental illnesses in general) are no more likely to be violent to you or anyone else than your average joe. in fact, it's far more likely that mentally ill people, especially those with already highly stigmatized disorders like DID, are more at risk of being the victims of extreme violence than people without it, especially considering that DID is a disorder developed from extreme childhood trauma. 

if video games like this and movies like "split" didn't effect reality, then DID wouldn't be as highly stigmatized a disorder as it is and you going around calling people retarded snowflakes for calling that out just makes you seem like a sensitive jackass who doesn't like when their extremely discriminatory stereotypes are threatened. 

get over yourself. bye :)