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A member registered Dec 07, 2023 · View creator page →

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Yes Berkill definitely committed a great sin with these cliffhangers I nearly threw my phone in anger due to chapter 8😂

Story's great tho!

Depending on how old your device is that could be why I bought my new phone in 2021 and it runs it smoothly .

Listen im totally with you Noel stole all our hearts and I'm assuming you finished it so far, it made me depressed and sad with the cliffhanger, I too wanted to cry like a child (I'm nearly 30) the story just sucks you in.

I haven't played in awhile but can't you just click on the phone notification and chat with him? Might be the solution

Its just  called melody u can find it on lewd.Ninja which is similar to itch but a lot easier to search for specific AVNs.

you have to download the renpy plug-in I believe 

You could try using joiplay on your iPhone then downloading the PC(Windows) version then reading it that way

I have a 250gb Sd card in my phone that I use for gaming and such plenty of storage:), I found out yesterday other people such as creators are also having the problem ...

I downloaded the PC version and ported it to joiplay I've finished all 3 of your novels since my last comment so I'd like to say, good job I enjoyed everything you did story was flawless...can't wait for more

It's usually 2-3 months apart (Cosy Creator) is pretty swift and consistent on updates although there is a time where real life might get in the way, all depends on Cosy's schedule.

I have an issue.....after NYX has you call lym into the meeting room, after you get shot she tries to get lym to understand the situation, but I cannot progress further then that, it will not allow me to visit anyone on the ship always say they are not in their room, even tho that's exactly where they are?

Why does my download keep failing on this novel? I downloaded last human without a problem.... I'm on android maybe if I download the PC version and use joiplay it'll work better

Sorry for not replying.

I've figured it out somehow and I got so excited I jumped straight into it, read it straight through it is a great AVN, I'm definitely hooked and with that being said I got a bone to pick with you...... WHY DID YOU HAVE TO END IT WITH THE BIGGEST CLIFF HANGER OF ALL TIME?!?! 

I was so excited the (Mc) which somehow looks like an anime version of my younger self?! Which stunned me for a sec, but non-the-less we finally catch up to Noel and bam some fighting he gets in her head and black game over.. made me big sad:(

Regardless good job you've got my attention for this game and any future projects you come out with...

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You might want to uninstall and a fresh install might have jumbled files, I've had this downloaded since .6 all I ever do is download the new version and update the game never had a problem...

You'll love the new update once you get it fixed this is by farm my favorite story I've ever read:)

So I'm having an issue, it won't download I tried both Android and Windows then I decided to spam hit the download out of frustration and I accidentally blocked downloads from Berkill4 themselves when it popped up in the middle of my screen.... Where do I go to unblock downloads?

U can us win.rar if your on android to locate them, and on PC just go to the .exe location for the download and you'll find em there

If you got a problem with what the creator does that's your problem, I don't have spare money to pay a monthly fee I already have enough to pay for IRL, and many others are in my boat as well.... So I'm glad Lykanz likes to inform their fans about their Avn, So stop complaining people like you are the reason the rest of us can't enjoy things peacefully...

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 Don't worry....The rest of us are greatful for you sharing progress reports with us keep up the good work!💪

Thank you, I play the game on android so it's not at all easy to fin games that are good enough to download for that size if you know what I mean... But so far this Avn is totally worth it 

I thank you kindly for your time and explanation.

I'm confused with the size of this game I figured I'd get more story but I only got a couple hours, when the MC walks into the bathroom for the spray paint text is that actually the last scene? Or am I missing something, I also didn't get to do anything more then 3 punishments which is ok but I'd figure there would've been more?

( Not complaining I love the story, just curious if I missed a couple missions)

Yeah mee too I was so sad when our precious kitten left us, I'm a grown ass man and this story sometimes makes me wanna cry, I don't read them for the lewd parts the story is what gets me hooked...

It's like heroin I need the next part I start going nutz!

Ahh thank you, much appreciated!

           Howdy, sorry to be a bother but I have an issue...

This happens every time I get told to choose the movie during movie night.... I can keep spamming ignore but I don't get to see what's going on.

Anyone know the app that allows u to play these PC versions on android

Id get paetron but I'm strapped on money so I'll wait till the full release, thanks for you'r time great Jon so far...

I just have 1 question, the update is out but not available for everyone yet it seems?

I only played a couple of these types of visual novels at the start, and then I stumbled upon (Cosy Cafe) and ever since I've been hooked I've been reading a lot of them lately just to pass the time for the next update, and none of them have their claws in me like this one...

You did a great job I look forward to future updates/ and possibly new projects that u might come out with in the future:)