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A member registered May 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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monster is the song

its a sound file, so yes it plays something

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Because everyone knows what its called, ima put it here [monster]


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ok extracted, now what? i used 7-zip, what do i do from there

i've never used a rar. file to play a game

thanks for the rar. help and thanks for how a topic works

also what do i type in body? ive never made a topic before

how do i open a rar. file?, i want to try speedrunning the game like the other people

Repost, or not i forgot, anyways fun game, pretty scary, i give it *****/***** stars

Charles wait no, CHARLES NO! CHAAAAARLES!!!

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fun game but its hard when i get to the part when i got to use button and there's walls as well

how dare you, nobody beats the milkman

neat game, really like it

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what did u use to make this masterpiece

edit: realized it was scratch, neat, I use that too

this is super scary, i liked it, pretty fun.

im not very good at it but it was fun

pretty cool, got scared but neat

ok little problem, i cant find the app

there's a app? cool tnx


new comment, its garbage and i like that because i have a potato pc, besides its your first 3d game so its ok if it does kinda suck, at least its fun

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the think ain't coming as a basic file, its a rar file and idk how to work that



can we be able to play it our self too? fight the youtubers our self with karson as our player?

vcr+me=SUPER VCR MAN,funny sh- ever,if only we can fly with the ROOF it be like a plane

when i played with my brother, for some reason it froze and then i couldn't join or make a new match.