Cross Realms is one that has started recently but has a really cool concept and is more story focused. A House In The Rift is also a decent option if you want a sandbox experience
Recent community posts
Man, the song and dance one has to do to get any modicum of information on this game makes you think it's almost worth the effort. A dead Patreon, a barren Twitter and a comically elusive Discord server makes it practically impossible for people who are not "in the know" to keep track of this project, and it's a shame because, despite having played the demo over a year ago, the story still remains fresh in my mind. At the very least update this page with a link to the Discord, unless the underground, spoken in hushed whispers reputation is what the dev team is striving for.
I've got mixed feelings about this new update, because on one hand the sex scenes are fantastic and the ending has me hooked, but on the other hand the writing this time around seems very... disjointed? It tries to do a lot in a very short amount of time; establishing some lore for Noriko, developing Saito's savior complex, introducing Asami's mom, giving more screen time to the thugs, Akira and Minato, but they all clash together and don't flow with each other at all. It feels less like a sense of mystery building up and more like I'm reading a couple paragraphs of a book and then flipping to another chapter midway through. It just feels like some ideas weren't as fleshed out as they should've been, and the sex scenes with Noriko, while great, come out completely out of left field and left me very confused when compared with where the rest of the story was headed. And Noriko's justification for why she banged Saito in her monologue was honestly silly, I personally didn't buy it at all.
Ultimately I do think the wait was worth it, even if it's not your best work, because I trust the dev team and the direction this game's headed. I can't wait for the next update!
I know I can control Val directly and still stay on the Heroic Path by choosing to use my magic on her but not going all the way, but how do I unlock that for the other characters? For example, Sarah's AI can get a little quirky and burn through her mana in the blink of an eye, which makes her a liability for deep dives into the dungeon. Is there a way to control her and others directly without straying off the Heroic Path or is that just a consequence of going down that route?
Hello. I really enjoyed the game and decided to buy all the DLC for my next playthroughs, but I can't seem to get them to work. I've followed the instructions, installing all of the DLCs at once and then reinstalling the game, and I've done this twice now, but I've had no success. Am I doing something wrong? I'm on android if that helps.