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A member registered Oct 02, 2023 · View creator page →

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Jazzy, the controls are tight and gliding is a good mechanic. Like the challenge.

So much heart, the water movement is great and i was always glad to go back to it even in space. The voice lines are really good, i was rooting for Max because of it. Good platforming and the music was superb

feels like a strange testing grounds for JeffM angels to learn their necessary skills to find JeffM AROOOS

Lot of neat concepts, I like Gregor as an engaging lore device for players and the Ascension cystals and Cloud Algae seems so fun to play with in adventures. Curious what system it was intended for, 5E?

Liked how quick it was to pick up, getting the grapple physics down was fun and i liked the alternate paths available in later towers. good job!

What a solid game, the platforming feels good and the challenge of each level is kicked up a gradual appropriate amount while letting you get familiar with the new motions required. Also really enjoyed the music, so much of the charm comes from the music.

This was delightful, the presentation and mood is a highlight for me. The before and after sections were a good idea and the sound was all very well done