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A member registered Apr 24, 2023 · View creator page →

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Things are going great! I have a ridiculously HUGE updated comming up. I'm prepping for Beta 2.0. 

Quick snapshot of some changes

  • Over 100 new lines of dialog
  • 3 new cut Sean's
  • 4 new maps
  • 6 new relics
  • New Active ability (like motivate ans golden hands)
  • 4 new unlockable units
  • New tire of equipment
  • Specal Event rework (adding new shop you can oerchase items from)
  • New one time use items
  • Expanded summoning. (Added new tires of summoning and rebalanced the entire thing

Thise were just off the top of my head. I have like 5 pages of change logs on my discord if you want more details! New update should be soon!

Ive added that to my known bugs list. Its an issue with my prompt system. If you want to joine my discord please do. It will give faster responce to issues as well as my giveaway codes and sneek peeks of fun stuff to come!

I have found what is casing this it will be fixed in next update. and i will be giving everyone a 6 day streek appon first login of next game vertion as well as some extra gems for the inconvenience.

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strange can you send me a screenshot of what the daily achievements looks like for you. also, what your username is in the game so i can look into it? thanks 

thanks for the report I'll look into this more when I set up global timezones.

I'll take all these and transfer to mu working bug list! Thanks for the detaild report I'll go ahead and answer a few thing now. 

Globes are earned by completing story parts.

The shady shop permanent perchases use the gems you spend in it for thr larger purchases. It keeps a sort of a "bank" of spent gems and that's used for the permanent upgrades 

(You are nit supposed to skip to wave 76 on start this bug is already fixt in next build when I push it)

There is a healer big were she only used heal when there are more than 3 enemies by default. This can be switched in the AI panel to heal when unit HP drops below a certen number.

I'll look into tier lock requests more. To see what's happening. 

I have help buttons comming in next update with detaild descriptions of what everything dose. I'll even put in formulas and stuff for people who wouldnlike to know the nitty gritty stuff lol

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Also not sure why link didn't work but heres a new one i just made. I have a "Suggestions and ideas" section as well as a "bug Report" sections were I keep tabs on all reported bugs (also shows which ones are fixed in the next update), so it may be helpful for you to see those to know if what your exspriancing is a new issue. I also have a section that i update live with all content that is completed for the next update. This inculeds bug fixes and new features (like the help button feature im adding. that gives detaield information about certen aspects of the game.)

 I also plan to do fun stuff like giveaways but thats a bit down the line.

Yes a Auto timeout with story so you don't get stuck afk is in the works. But I didn't want to implement it until I made a way to rematch the stories.

Can you send me a screenshot of were you are at. Also under unit AI i belive the "same last enemy" is broken please use random or highest/lowers 5 HP. Will fix this in next update. 

Sorry for the long wate 😅 as you will see when playing I have nit been idle... pun intended. But I've had a lot of "life" that got in the way. I had time to continue programming but the added stress of keeping the game running smoothly for the players while pushing many new versions was a bit too much at the time.

I do plan to have some cutscenes to the game were the main character is visible so i would need to make multiple sprites for those but this is something i may look into later on if i have time. Having some customization options for the main character is always fun.

Hi just pushed a ridiculously huge update love to here your feedback on it. Its much closer to the game I have been striving for now. This is the first (offical) update i have made in about 8 months. but i have not been idle. I will still be pushing out a few updates, with a lot of focus on descriptors tutorials, and adding help symbles thought the game to reduce the amount of words on the screen at a given time. still very much a work in progress but i think youll like most of the changes. And if you can give me a nother detailed review like this that would help me so much!

Thanks for your time!

PS. i apologies but all previus save files will be gone so a new account will need to be made thoguh the game is so different now that it will probably have been a good idea to start from scratch anywas to get the feal of the full game
(fun sneek peek of just a few of the new enimies i have added )

Thanks for the detailed review of my game! I'm honestly sorry your playing it in the state it is right now. I have fixed a good number of the bugs you listed but due to current health issues i have temporarily stopped pushing out updates. However i am still continuing to develop the game and making great progress but due to my limited time i'm working on testing internally rather than tiring to maintain the game online.

A few things to bring up, Story has been redone, and I have been working to implement game mechanics as they are introduced in the story. with that i am going to have more detailed explanations as to how things work.

UI is still a mess (yes i am aware XD) I would say as a programmer UI and Spelling are probable my biggest weaknesses. My story writer is helping me to improve spelling on all fronts and i will be going back though all of my UI elements and tweeking them as Meany of them were set up before i had a clear goal of what i was trying to accomplish with them and i just cramed all the new info into them to make them work for now. Church and Blacksmith are 100% the places that need the most work. Most UI fixes are still a bit out as gamplay and base michanics are still taking priority over UI visuals (not that i don't think there important just that im currently spending more time on actual michanics.) Im leaning a lot more into the Pixal art in futer updates and story characters and other things will be more in that directions. 

I struggled a bit to find a theme/ mood i wanted to go with but i think i have honed it down with my last few additions. (my theme can be seen more clearly in the tavern as it is the most cohesive bit of UI i've made) 

I did a live play test with my brother on his live stream and he has it posted on his youtube page if you want to see some of the changes that have been made to the game and story. I do live bug fixes while they were play testing and have many of them fixed by the end of the streams XD 

otherwise, stick around and in a few weeks there will be a MASSAVE update that essentially triples the game content size and features! I look forword to hearing form you again when I have more for you to test! 

i have added chest that can give gems when clicked on. Still working on more interactive content during attacks (i have a few ideas in the works now)

When you have like 5 abilities it will be a bit more interactive also ive been juggling the diea of making things spawn that you can click on go get exta gold or god energy but don't have anything super solid yet.

If you have any ideas i would love to hear them! Thanks for your feedback!

i reballanced the groth rates of some equipment som equipment so that may have done it

Hmm was that attack damage or attack stat?

I added a discord link to the bottom of my game description.

yes thats because your speel level is so high that the ammount of evergy you get from motivate jumps the gage i catualy have plans to alture attacks at higher speeds so i didn't bother with that bug.

groug is planned to get a perry ability (will use MP).

 Reincarnation Wisdom upgrade will unlock Ai customization (attack priorities will be in there). 

Ive been juggling the idea of HP leach but want to do it in the way were it doesn't make healers obsolete. So im putting more thought and time into that.

right now it is completely randome i gave plans so that as you increese intelligence it increaes the qmount of fintooning you can do to your units AI

hi since you have the screenshots form your previus game i can recreate you a save file manuly with those stats. (sadly could not see the healers stast) here is a link to my discord were i will can send you a username and password to recover you save file in the next update

Good news. i think i got a working backup for vs0.0.8 (Coming out later today)

sadly i do not believe you will get the healer if you got that message. Im working on setting up better user authentication were i can create additional backup save files on the cloud. im also atempting to set up a save file download and import fuction

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Sorry to here im working on a better solution. Ill be sure to let you know when i get it fixed

v0.0.6 is cloud saving through unity. You shouldn't loose everything by refreshing the tab only by clearing cash files. Have you tested that or were you just assuming it would happen? If it is actually happening that thats a big issue i need to look into. There is no way to export a file on 0.0.6 or 0.0.7 but if refreshing clears your data than ill work on squeezing an exprt function on 0.0.8 hopefully.

Wisdome incresses your mana regeneration.

However, with the uniqueness I plan to add to opponents there will need to be a lot more thought put into you team and how you upgrade them to combat different opponent stiles than you would see in most other idle games.

thanks! yes the story is going to be one of my main focuses. infact a lot of the units and "Gameplay" will be driven by that. inted of having random backgrounds that change for no reason (like tap titans and other ones) the background and units you fight and get added to your party will be backed on story.

Not yet but one is comming soon :) 

Also you gain additional points apon reincarnating to purchase and upgrade relics and character base stats.

I'm planning to add a shop were you and perches items you can also unlock more active abilities as time goes on. After the first world is unlocked you also unlock an additional unit and a much higher gold rate adding a bit more depth to what you purchase and were you can use your money as each unit has its own equipment tree. The idea is that you set your units up for the battle and then send them out. As this is still very early development there is a bit less to do between waves than there will be.

I'm glad you like it! This is a lot more story coming very soon. Keep your eyes peeled for updates :) 

dose this have more standard monstera like floting sculls or Skeletons and stuff?