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A member registered Apr 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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Ah would of done some kind a different mode but sadly ran out of time 
and I thought i fixed that bug lol.

Thanks man , will try your submission today!

Thanks alot !

(1 edit)

Hi I'm looking for anyone who wants to make a game for this GameJam , As I am taking GameDev as a real job for my future so this will be a great learning opportunity. 

Sorry but I tend not to work well with people at low ages like below 16. Sorry if this offends you.

Skill level doesn't really matter as long as you know how to use Unity and fill a role in a team 

and No , A game tester is not a role.

I have a team of an artist and C# programmer using Unity.

Looking forward to your response.

Here's my discord jaydenpeyper97#6501

Hey , I have an artist and a C# programmer already but we wont mind if you join.

Thanks for responding I'll DM on you on discord

Hi , Im looking for anyone who wants to join a team.

We have a C# programmer and an artist already , but we don't mind any extra help, so feel free to reply!

We are using Unity and C#

Hey i have 5 months of Unity C# experience and working on my own FPS. 

I think if the game is short , no .

I have also have never seen a saving in a GameJam game.

But maube a HighScore tracker per person

Hey , I have experience in C# 3d game development  (Uniy) , but I  can do 2D also 

I've been programming for Unity for about 5 Months now  for my own game and would like to team up with some people for this GameJam.

ProjectAS community · Created a new topic V0.03

Just a quick Update to fix some bugs  and test out new things.

Firstly Grenades and knives have been temporary removed as they will be added in differently.

Scopes Attachment has been removed due to a bug that came up , Will be added back with the new weapon.

You can see upcoming weapon models in the map , i'll have a separate sandbox map for that.

Added first Enemy that can shoot you (Just for testing purposes for now but will be fleshed out in future Updates.

Some small Changes to UI.

Can be Hit by bullets , so You'll have to go to respawn.

Sorry for anything I've missed  (;

tell me what you think!