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A member registered Mar 01, 2023 · View creator page →

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Make sure to go into the file and pull out the folder named "save" and transfer that into the new file. This will carry over all of your save data including scenes and settings.

Looks like we'll need a save file to find the issue. If you can send it to and we'll see what we can do.

Google tradutor português: Parece que precisaremos de um arquivo salvo para encontrar o problema. Se puder envie para e veremos o que podemos fazer.

Don't feel bad about it! We are always open to new ideas from fans.

From our programmer:

"pako is a javascript library used by rpgmaker engine to compress and uncompress data. Maybe the library was damaged by a download error. I suggest to try to download again. Which platform are they using?"

Assuming you are playing the most recent version of the game, there should be an abandoned cave south of Eleen. You will need to finish some quests with the governor first, so make sure you talk to him.

As of now we have no plans to add pregnancy into the game.

As of now we have no plan to release on Steam.

Yes she is. Wyri is just a bit of a challenge compared to other girls we've had so far. I advise going back to the bandit challenge.

As of now we don't plan on making any changes to Ralph other than potentially visual ones.

When the succubus uses Focus, you need to use Tackle. That will cancel a her massive spell that one shots the party. When the Burning Innocent enemies spawn Donna needs to cast Sleep. DO NOT ATTACK THE BURNING INNOCENTS. Repeat until you win. Also ensure to keep the MC with at least 10 tp to stun should the Succubus use Focus again.

This video should help walk you through the process. 

You'll need Joiplay. Latest version of it is here: It is a completely free software that allows you to run RPG Maker games on an Android device.

Do you have the most recent release of the game? If so then you can interact with the girls to see more scenes and then leave your hideout to head North to a new continent.

Talk to people in the inn. One of them can help ;)

I'm sorry for the problem, I tested the file recently myself and it worked perfectly. You will need the RPGM plugin for it to function properly. So if you forgot that then that is likely the issue, otherwise I am not sure.

You'll need Joiplay. Latest version of it is here: It is a completely free software that allows you to run RPG Maker games on an Android device.