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A member registered Jan 18, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hi FoorbarIT,

Sorry for the delay.  I just tried these commands, and you might want to edit your post for future reference as there are typos in the first line : there are no "-" needed between apt update and apt upgrade.

The previous error messages about packaging are gone.  Now, I receive the following input just FYI :

~/Téléchargements/Hardware Tycoon (Linux 64-bit)$ ./nw
LaunchProcess: failed to execvp:
/home/adam/Téléchargements/Hardware Tycoon (Linux 64-bit)/nacl_helper
[29642:29642:0826/] Bad NaCl helper startup ack (0 bytes)
[29640:29648:0826/] Failed to open NaCl IRT file "/home/adam/Téléchargements/Hardware Tycoon (Linux 64-bit)/nacl_irt_x86_64.nexe": -4
[29640:29660:0826/] Failed to initialize database.
[29682:29682:0826/] Create
[29682:29682:0826/] AudioContext
[29682:29682:0826/] no user gesture
[29682:29682:0826/] IsAllowedToStart
[29682:29682:0826/] starting

And the game still works.  Including sound, despite these new "error messages". I mean, at this point, it's no big deal for me, the game works and I'm all happy!  :-)

I just tried that, and it effectively launched the game, along with giving several error messages that seem to be inconsequential in the end.  It looks like it also downloaded some missing components, as you can see here :

Hardware Tycoon (Linux 64-bit)$ ./nw
LaunchProcess: failed to execvp:
/home/adam/Téléchargements/Hardware Tycoon (Linux 64-bit)/nacl_helper
[20483:20483:0822/] Bad NaCl helper startup ack (0 bytes)
[20481:20486:0822/] Version 9 is from the future.
[20481:20486:0822/] Simple Cache Backend: wrong file structure on disk: 5 path: /home/adam/.cache/HardwareTycoon/Default/Code Cache/js
[20481:20489:0822/] Failed to open NaCl IRT file "/home/adam/Téléchargements/Hardware Tycoon (Linux 64-bit)/nacl_irt_x86_64.nexe": -4
[20481:20498:0822/] Failed to initialize database.
[20481:20499:0822/] Version 9 is from the future.
[20481:20499:0822/] Simple Cache Backend: wrong file structure on disk: 5 path: /home/adam/.cache/HardwareTycoon/Default/Cache
[20481:20486:0822/] Version 9 is from the future.
[20481:20486:0822/] Simple Cache Backend: wrong file structure on disk: 5 path: /home/adam/.cache/HardwareTycoon/Default/Media Cache
[20640:20640:0822/] Create
[20640:20640:0822/] AudioContext
[20640:20640:0822/] no user gesture
[20640:20640:0822/] IsAllowedToStart
[20640:20640:0822/] starting

This does look scary indeed, but like I said, the game launched and actually worked.  I closed the game and re-tried that command, and as I suspected, there are the some of the same messages appearing again, but some that didn't (i.e. those that were associated with downloading updates).  The game works, including sound, despite these remaining error messages.

/Hardware Tycoon (Linux 64-bit)$ ./nw
LaunchProcess: failed to execvp:
/home/adam/Téléchargements/Hardware Tycoon (Linux 64-bit)/nacl_helper
[20692:20692:0822/] Bad NaCl helper startup ack (0 bytes)
[20690:20698:0822/] Failed to open NaCl IRT file "/home/adam/Téléchargements/Hardware Tycoon (Linux 64-bit)/nacl_irt_x86_64.nexe": -4
[20690:20706:0822/] Failed to initialize database.
[20731:20731:0822/] Create
[20731:20731:0822/] AudioContext
[20731:20731:0822/] no user gesture
[20731:20731:0822/] IsAllowedToStart
[20731:20731:0822/] starting

Hope that helps.

Linux Mint 19.x.

OK, thanks for that link, this has lead me to the correct path.  I'm still fairly new to Linux but I'm starting to get the hang of it.  So, based on the information provided in that link, I figured out that I needed to install nw.js on my system to run your game, but first I also had to install npm as this is the delivery method to get nw.js.  Now, the system still doesn't know what to do with this nw file when I double-click on it, but the documentation told me I could also run this from the terminal, which I tried.  I tried simply "nw" and this didn't work.  I got the following error message :

/Hardware Tycoon (Linux 64-bit)$ nw
[14050:14050:0821/] Failed to parse extension manifest.

So I thought that maybe the "nw" I just installed wasn't the same as the "nw" file in my game folder, and that maybe the second was meant to be passed to the first as an argument parameter, so I tried "nw nw".  Still didn't work, got the same error message but with different numbers :

/Hardware Tycoon (Linux 64-bit)$ nw nw
[14217:14217:0821/] Failed to parse extension manifest.

Finally, last thing I tried is something I still gathered from that link you provided, where they said that in some cases you may need to pass the "packagedapp.nw"file to nw as an argument parameter, so I tried this :

/Hardware Tycoon (Linux 64-bit)$ nw package.nw
[14377:14377:0821/] Failed to parse extension manifest.

I still get the same error message, with yet again different numbers, but...  Hey!  It works!  :-)

I thought I'd share that info with you, as this may be "straight-forward" for experienced Linux users but for long-time Windows users like me (and possibly you I'm assuming) it's just not quite as easy as "double-clicking" the file, even though it claims in the doc that this should work.

Great game, by the way.  Been playing on it on this site for quite some time now, trying out the new versions when they come out.  Can't wait to see it when it'll be completed.  Keep up the good work!

(1 edit)

Hi!  I downloaded the 64-bits Linux version of your game but can't figure out how to launch/install it, as my Linux install doesn't seem to recognize any of the files in the archive and none of them give me a clear indicator that "this is the file I need to click on", like "setup" or "install" or "game" or even "hw" (for "hardware").  There is, however, a file named "nw", but my system doesn't know what to do with it, so...  back to square one...

A bit of help in that regards would be appreciated.  Thanks!

Hi!  I've just reviewed your game page and must say that your game is quite impressive-looking.  I'm working on something similar myself although I am not that far in development yet and am still only offering to the F2P market.  I've read in this forum about a hard-to-replicate bug that causes cars to be assigned to the wrong race finish positions, and have seen nothing here about this bug being fixed.  I've also read in the changelogs that there's actually been some tentative fixes to address this specific bug, but I don't know if it got entirely rid of the bug or not, since I can't try the game myself at the moment.  However, since I've had to deal with similar issues myself while working on my own game, I know for a fact that there could actually be several different little bugs all hidden under the guise of "one bug" only because they all lead to the same result, aka cars being placed in wrong positions.  So, since this bug is hard to replicate to begin with, and replicating the bug is key to understand what's actually going on, I simply wanted to point out to you that there seems to be an instance of this bug showing in one of your screen captures, the one with the newspaper article about race results.


In it, it says that Jean Allegro won the race, which is confirmed by the rankings on the left side of the screen.  Then, the article goes on to say that his teammate hasn't been so lucky and actually didn't finish the race.  However, if we look at the rankings, we can see that Jean Allegro's teammate, Damien Cliffe, took his Stromboli car into 5th place, scoring 6 points.  So, there's this bug in full display right here.  Like I said, I don't know if this is still a relevant topic at this point in time, but if it is, I hope this little bit of info will help.

Hope to be able to try your game soon!

I am in the process of trying this game, and after finally starting to get the hang of it, I happen to start new games in which the 3 license choices for movies all cost well above 10 000$, meaning that this game session is worthless and must "make it fail" in order to try again, with chances of having the same problem again.  This should be fixed to guarantee at least one license is purchasable, or else what's the point of even try to open a cinema if you can't afford to show anything in it right from the start?

The concept seems interesting, though...  Just wanted to report this strange annoyance/bug before playing further to see if I can get his business rolling for more than 3 weeks.

(1 edit)

The game seems pretty interesting on the surface, but I can't get anywhere past the opening screen.  I can navigate through the menu and change some settings with the arrow keys, but I can't get to "select" anything to actually launch the race.  I tried clicking with the mouse, [SPACE] and [ENTER] with no result.  However, when I press [ESC], this brings a sub-menu (a TIC sub-menu?) which gives me some options of restarting the game or to go to the TIC "command prompt" and this one I can still navigate with the arrow keys and yet still can't "select" anything with the keyboard but here at least the mouse actually works when I click on menu items.

I hope you can get this fixed soon after reading this, as I'm really interested in trying your game.

EDIT : DUH!!  I just saw that there was a tiny line in the instructions telling to use "Z" to select things in the menu.  ARGH!  I feel so stupid now.  lol

Sorry for the disturbance.

Yep!  It works fine, now.  As it happens, I had just uploaded my first game yesterday, and went through all the publishing options, which is how I noticed that there was a checkbox that did just that, so I quickly figured it out when I saw your game.  I'll give it a try during the week-end.  Feel free to take a look at mine as well, it's a car racing management game.

Can't scroll down the page in order for me to register my team.  I suggest you change the settings in order to allow scroll bars to show in order to fix this.

(2 edits)

As it's name implies, F-8 Racing Manager is a car racing manager set in the not-so-distant future of scarce oil of a fictional universe that looks a lot like ours.  Despite being a "prototype" being set to be a "free-to-play" demo and the fact that it's my first game ever and that it's been made with an imposed limit on the scope of the game due to using an unlicensed version of the dev platform I used to make the game, "F-8 Racing Manager : The New Era" still sports all the features one would expect in such a game of this size, including a good dose of dark humor throughout the "elaborate" embedded news system that keeps the player up-to-date with the latest major racing events.

Choose your chassis design, your pilot and create your own F-1-like racing team in a brand-new evenly-fielded competition trying to make its place in the sports market as well as trying to save the world in a time where oil scarcity is being set-up as being the root-cause of upcoming large-scale military conflicts of biblical proportions.

Work as a team with your pilot as you both gain experience and knowledge about the car's inner workings by completing laps on the tracks, in order to then convert this experience, along with some monetary funds, into car parts upgrade and pilot training.  Score championship points and money upon taking pole positions or completing races (winning them ideally) in order to win the F-8 Championship at the end of the season.  Progress through the successive seasons to build yourself a career that'll either write your name in Racing History Books or leave you forgotten amidst the burning ruins of a world torn apart by war (or anywhere in-between, depending on how good you are).  Run out of money, and this will be the end of the road for you.

Start your engines!

G-9 Games