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G Lala

A member registered Apr 07, 2021 · View creator page →

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Am on the 4th place, but I will climb that leaderboard and get past you, pixxy. But game-wise, this is awesome how simple the idea of it is but how much you properly utilized the idea to make a very fun and addictive game. Very well polished, and shows how execution really plays the biggest role, rather than the idea. Should be the next dinosaur game

yep fixed the first complain today already, second one i'm not sure why that is, i'll have to look into that. Thank you for playing the game!

I got this time with a glitch though, if you join the game in slot 1, collect the gloves and hat, and then delete the slot save, then start again, it will reset the timer but you will still spawn with the power

I got a 2:16:924Speedrun Screenshot

one sort of problem I have got, there is this certain part where the lag is insane! I'll try to screenshot it the next time. this time, after I crossed this part, I jumped and then ended up falling all the way back.  but I really wasn't frustrated on the game, but rather on myself! That is awesome, because before with the slippery physics, I got frustrated on the game more, but here it's just my fault.

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the update is really cool! love the graphics and all the changes

for now I haven't even beaten the game yet lol

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but do not be fooled! I will beat you, surely... sometime

it's night time for me now, will try tomorrow

oh god, there are some really brutal jumps in there, wow, I'm impressed with the time you got

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the bug is that when you play the game, say in the first slot, collect the gloves, return to main menu and delete the save, if you start a new game in the same slot, the gloves do not reappear, infact you are stuck without gloves forever in that slot. Edit: I checked it out, and there are no gloves even in the other slots!

hmm, I've found a bug

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ah, that's great, I'll play it now :) I didn't play it earlier because I was busy with assignements, I still am but I want to play lol

bug 2.  when you press enter to teleport to the next block, you have to do it twice instead of once, (see image where you could recreate the situation)

explanation for bug: pressing enter also toggles the ability on or off, so when you press enter once, the player teleports and the ability gets disabled after that, the next time you press enter, the ability is disabled, so you do not get teleported, but the ability is turned on again. and then repeat

this bug is not recreatable with the mouse button, however, because clicking the left mouse button does NOT toggle the abilities

it's not like it gives a game-breaking speedrunner advantage, as it's really doesn't give that big of a boost, but it's a bug nonetheless.

1 bug that i found while experimenting with disabling and enabling the buggy gloves you have, is that if you set your glove power to disable, and then hold on to a cliff with left shift, you are able to enable the buggy gloves again and and gain the ability again and be able to slide up. I think that once you are on a cliff with the buggy gloves disabled, you should not be able to enable it again with a big boost

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I have been experimenting thoroughly with the game, one to search for speedrunner strats, and two, to find bugs which should be removed.

If you have questions with my descriptions of the bugs, or how to recreate them, then please do ask me, I'll try my best to explain with more images, or with clips, or even call on discord!

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btw, you can disable your abilities?? I did not know that until now, don't know how that is useful though

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Suggestions for speedrunning: 

1 you could add a timer, possibly with splits, to the game.

2 you could reset the game with r or a similar key.

3 You might be allowed to change the layout for controls to suit you, and your gamer strats

4. you can't completely mute the volume of the game, it can't be set to zero

5. at some points it is unclear for the player where he is supposed to proceed. has caused me some major falls ;c

, also I am stuck at this part because of

can you add a timer soon to the game? I'd be down to speedrun this game, even though I have not even completed it once yet lol

Thank you for playing our game! After the rating period, we'll be working on improving the levels, adding more mechanics, sfx, and polishing in general.

Thank you for playing the game! yea, we did not have enough time to polish the hitboxes and speed of the player, but I completely agree with your poin

Thank you for playing our game, and also for the feedback! yes, that's true, there was supposed to be a tutorial level, and more mechanics but we ran short of time! great addition, we'll work on that after the rating period is over

Thank you for playing our game! Really appreciate the kind words :)

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I am on android so I can onlyenjoy the start screen,  and I am vibing to the music