Damn, the demo is really good. Loved the sound design and the atmosphere! Combat system can be improved tho, but overall, the game feels and looks good!
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I have been using godot for making my games for the last year and for every game, i used gdscript. Which is the language for the godot game engine. But i always wanted to try out godot's c#. The question is, do i need to use entirely new engine or i can use godot c# to make a game for this jam, cuz i never made a game with c# and i know nothing about it. So that's def. a new experience, so is this allowed?
what do you mean time length is wrong?
I don't think you understand the time, basically it runs for 2 days and you have to make the game in just 3 hours. You can work in a single sitting or you can take break, say 1 hour on day 1 and remaining 2 hours the next day. Brainstorming time doesn't count as work time!
The jam is 1 day because people have difference schedules to work on the game and to cope with that, we made the jam one day long but actually it counts only when you work on the game, like say you worked on the game for 2 hours in one sitting and then you can take a break for 2 hours and then start again with the remaining 1 hour.
Basically it counts when you actually work on the game