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Gabriel Sattler

A member registered Feb 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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Care to elaborate?

Glad to see you enjoyed our game! There were many issues you came across that will be taken care of soon, like missing tutorials and confusing corridors so thanks a lot for the feedback!

Had a blast with your game, cheats were a lot of fun too, testing the first one actually made me want to try them all!

Good stuff, controls felt as confusing as it gets but that's just part of the charm

Couldn't get past the brick wall in the first level, if you don't mind telling me what I was suppossed to do I'll give it another try

The game was really fun but the controls felt a little too slide-y, and that made some puzzles more difficult than they needed to be, thank you for being so generous with the checkpoints tho, that really does help!

Liked your game, although I almost softlocked myself infinitely falling upwards with gravity inverted, but managed to flip it back over and finish the game. Cute game 8)

Game's fun although the move points are still consumed even if you walk against a wall, also a quicker way to reenter cheats would also be neat. The console and the graphics look sick

Gameplay's fun and the controls feel good except for the bombs that seem to be quite finicky to throw. Graphics look cool too!

The cheats are highlighted on the text that the help command returns, like "Maybe there's a cheat related to speed", and you need to kill certain enemies to open blocked passages that you need to backtrack to, but I'll add that to the game description as it seems to be a common issue

Love the aesthetic of your game, and the gameplay feels good too, although maybe planets should spawn slower at first so you can try more cheats. Also the amount of text was quite overwhelming and some pages don't seem to work. Great game though!

Loved your game but the cheat codes were a little too difficult to decypher sometimes, specially with the numbers being mixed and flipped along some letters

On the red level you're supposed to kill specific enemies and backtrack to see new open parts of the level, sorry it wasn't clearer.  The numbers on the bottom right are your ammo, and sorry for the dizzying head bobbing, thanks for the feedback!

I'll play it more tomorrow as I do not have my down arrow key on this pc but the game seemed fun for the few first levels! Maybe an indicator of what option you're standing on on the menu would be nice though

Title explains itself, leave a link to your submission and I'll check it out

You can check mine out if you so desire here

It's a nice concept, a tutorial would be much appreciated. Also when upgrading the spells if instead of a firerate number you could put an equivalent attack per second it would be easier to understand what the number means

After getting a hs of 300+ points all I would like is more spawn variety, like the galaxies moving around to give some variation to the gameplay, as by just circling the mouse between the four galaxies I could catch any and all planets that spawned without using a single powerup. Aside from that good game!

The movement feel great and the animations look awesome, although you should disable Unity's compression on some of them so they don't get distorted colors. My only tip is to make the background inside playable areas a bit darker as to provide better contrast with the player and the monsters

You don't directly attack neither of the bosses, my bad it wasn't clear enough, will have the attacking feedback in mind for the next update, thank you for playing!

Movement is a little stiff, and the character swap mechanic would benefit from a visual cooldown. Still a quite fun platformer

As it's already been said starting off with the shovel, or at least making it pop out in the shop would be really helpful, and having some dim light during the first blocks would help to get a grip on what you're suppossed to do, having some visual progress on how long it takes to break a block would be really helpful, as I couldn't really figure out if I was digging a block or not

Fun game, but some times lights change for no discernable reason even though mechanics stay the same throughout the level

Had given up on it but decided to finish it anyways, hope you all like it

Hope you enjoy it!

Nice game, could benefit from a FOV slider