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A member registered Jul 16, 2023 · View creator page →

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Not gonna lie this is Peak Gaming right now 

That is a funny game lmao 

Oh thats a nice educational game i like it 

Es ist ein wirklich cooles Spiel und dieses Konzept gefällt mir schon jetzt sehr gut. Es weckt in mir Nostalgie aus den Zeiten, als Troll-Spiele die neue Mode waren. Vielen Dank für dieses tolle Erlebnis

Yeah the difficulty is pretty hard the Bots are very good at making smart plays in this game, but i hope you can improve more in the future with this game concept 

Este juego tiene un buen concepto, pero solo necesita trabajar más en él, como hacer que el dinosaurio pase de la edad de piedra a la sociedad moderna y escale desde allí, es un juego realmente bueno, no voy a mentir.

I think that was the most unrealistic way of trying to go out on a person but i know it how hard can be to be sincere to the ones you actually adimire and confess to them 

but hear my adivice, if you want to confess to someone always remember to build a relantionship first and when you have the right opportunity start by talking about some random stuff and slowly opening the persons defences before telling her you true intentions 

a confession should not be using brute force but slowly talking out with the person and making her comfortable before talking to her about your true intentions 

Oh my this a cool concept game i like it a lot 

Well my complain is just like the one before i got stuck at the tutorial too 

Valeu hehe

well this game needs more balance because its kinda hard for people that don't use a autoclikcer 

I really liked this game i made a little gameplay of this game in my channel and its short but i hope its gives you a good look of the game 

Here i made a gameplay of the game: