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A member registered Jul 20, 2022 · View creator page →

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hey, check this one

this function is buged, it wont work properly on windows 7, used to happen to me too

i wish i were real

(realy love this game, now that i have a newer PC i can run this one perfectly, it doesnt work properly on windows 7)

you seem to be an average FPS player whose for some reason played a psycological horror game, your comment doesn't make any sense in this place

omg i love neco arc

at fist i found so happy and cute that I forgot it was a horror game ... it disturbed me, I can't explain how i feel about this game, you made an awsome (or disgusting) job with the storyline

Also, I would like to show a problem (not exactly a bug) that i had with the game

My monitor is in the 4:3 resolution, like this game, but when I played, instead of fullfiling the screen, it actualy turned it into 3:4 resolution, with black borders, i tought it was proposital till i played in a widescreen (i even turned the monitor sideways to see if it would work), and it also cut some of the text, so it would be nice if you guys could fix this, i will try to show 2 pics, if it doesn't work check this link

there is no mouse, you use the arrow keys to move your vision

is this a real game?

can't explain how much the game qnnoyed me in the start, but I knew it was proposital beacuse you said it was a dream about not knowing how to drive, and after some time i finaly discovered how to accelerete the car, it got even more annoying, but, then I figured out how to drive, so it got fun, and the end, was even better than I expected, I never know what to expect from your games, again, I loved this game, and I won't forget about this

you look so happy with the game, I will install

oh, I understood, thans :)_

isn't this the setrix? i have dowloaded this game but with another name

i came back, what is the black thing in the 7 page? is there something censored?

I can't express how much i loved the game, this was totaly amazing, I thougt it would be just a simple game, put actualy it is a master piece i still didn't colected the circle and the moons to see the third ending, but i still loved this

i realy liked the game, but there is some problems with the 3d, my character went to the background

but i liked the game, it will be very nice

this game is super cool, very nice, impressive that you did this in only 14 days

today I got my first cassete player and I searched for this here, and then i found this game, I loved it

Hi, I realy loved the dream, the last part was a bit lagged for me but it was still awsome
i also took this photo 
<img src="">

I realy liked the game, but I dont know if it is only this . . . like, it is 300 mb 

but yea, this is reeeealy beutiful, personaly, I prefer the original version stile, but they are both very nice

(1 edit)

hey, pls can you explain this ?

very nice, it is very accurate


I realy liked the story