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A member registered Mar 05, 2023 · View creator page →

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NAH  i ain't mad but bro if you think that's a roast you need to tell your spoiled family to send you to school cuz mate your dumb as fuck


i agree with you 

eu nao sou brazileiro  mas sou portuguese pelomeno a pessoas que sabem o que estas a dizer

bro sorry i fell asleep hoping you stop being a shit and to answer that bro you name your self littlekiwikiss to get over you've never kissed or anything cuz your bullshit make's everyone hate you 

better than your lonely ass name

what kind of name is littlekiwikiss you lonely shit

nice oc

if we are low lives what are you cuz you ain't royal to be talking to people like that  and if you don't like something scroll away no one needs to give a fuvk about a spoiled persons opinion everyone has different opinions and  if it's so sickening to talk to normal people you must the rare retard  species  so i suggest next time just keep your mouth shut