There are two routes in the full game.
Galen Games
Creator of
Recent community posts
Thanks for expressing your view and it is a valid concern since it may come across that way to a few who might not be familiar with our history and with certain expectations.
To expand on our previous answer we have first started working on and marketing Dual Chroma as an otome game pre 2021. We've received funding to realize that game via our Kickstarter but we also wanted to add a male mc option to mirror some of our other games.
Now you might be upset that male mc wasn't part of the base goal but we actually initially pitched our kickstarter with it included and people commented that the amount to be raised was too much. In a perfect world where we didn't have to pay bills and had time to do whatever we wanted we would love to include it but like any other additional asset making it takes time and effort and we would need to compensate our team, especially for a game as big as Dual Chroma.
If it doesn't appeal to you, you are of course welcome to play any of our other games that may be more suitable for your tastes, or any other developer's games.