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GameBuoyGames - Michael Towns

A member registered Aug 01, 2018 · View creator page →

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Eyyy, put together a vid of things from SAGE when I got home that day, Yakshini Lokam pops up a couple minutes into it. Will nab the demo and record a vid while playin' that too sometime. Rad lookin' stuff.

Is the current four-days still a placeholder 'til you hear back from Itch or have they still been silent and it'll need to be pushed forward again?

(Usando el traductor de Google del inglés al español, ojalá funcione jaja.)

Hola, ¿Los cuatro días actuales siguen siendo un marcador de posición hasta que tenga noticias de Itch o todavía han estado en silencio y será necesario seguir adelante nuevamente?

"I am...inevitable, *snap*"
- Sony when they fire everyone from a studio weekly.

RIP to the hamster in a wheel that was keeping the entire network active.

The hardest part was getting the raytracing to work properly

cheers heaps

This is rad, and has major Portal vibes. Awesome stuff,

This was amazing. Massive Wario Ware fan so seein' the same style on Game Boy made me smile. Good stuff.

Eyy, neat lil romp this. Nice.

Ha, aye that's rad. Nicely done.

Ahhh didn't think to change my screen resolution, I like big chunky icons and such so had set lower. Just played through the game though aaand that was fun. Once I worked out I could jump on stuff as it falls I felt like Quicksilver in one the slow-mo Xmen scenes or Legolas in The Hobbit haha. Good stuff.

Eyy, went to give it a shot but it opens up looking about twice as big as my screen so I can only suss the top left corner

Ayyy that was neat, managed to get a decent juggle goin' even haha. Rad stuff.

THAT is a damn nice font right there

REALLY liking the look of everything here, nicely done. Even the background for this page is real nice haha.

This is rad, lookin' forward to giving it another shot to see if I can get up to this new boss haha. Keep up the awesome work.

Everything about this makes me smile

This is some damn good stuff right here

Any chance of a non-Limited Run version comin' out in the future once this has passed?

Mmmm that music, nooooice

Got all of these loaded onto an emulation handheld and been having a bunch of fun with 'em, incredible work here.

(2 edits)

Have had a few friends mention how nice the design is on the games box also, which stuck out to me the moment I opened the mailing box haha. Good stuff.
Went to look for a review to send one of 'em too who was intrigued by the game aaaand saw the Nintendolife review, 'grats for that too. Rad seein' an indie GB game on there.

Eyyy nice, enjoyed the demo so keen to see how this here progresses.

My boxed version from Kickstarter arrived today also, looks daaaaamn nice.


Aaand just gave the demo a shot, think I got most things done besides one chest I couldn't get to due to an enemy bugging out and a big section at the top which probably has to do with that chest haha. Will load it back up sometime and give that another shot though for completionist sake. And to play it again since I enjoyed meself, love the fluidity of movement and combat along with the sprite and background style. Lookin' nooooice.

Recorded a vid that's uploading onto Youtube which shooould be done shortly too so hopefully a few more eyes end up on the Kickstarter page.

And also on Tiktok so the youth get to see it too haha.

Eyyy, hell yes! Rite's been one of my give-it-a-bash-every-now-and-then games since nabbing it on launch, PC then Switch. Thus I am very very keen to give this a whirl. Good luck with the Kickstarter campaign too.
And another hell yes for local Radelaide talent, always great to see.

Ayyy, hell yeah and grats! Was rad to see a trailer for the game pop up on IGN too.

Hell to the yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah

Ayyy, hell yeah and grats!

My mind would have been absolutely blown if I played Super Robot Wars on me ol' Nokia haha

Ay congrats! Sounds great. And the Game Boy there's perfectly themed too. Noice.

Ha, brilliant

This is neat. And the music makes me smile haha.

Grew up with 3.1 (many years after it was outdated haha) so that's very much my kinda nostalgia

Loooove that OS look

Ayyy hell yeah GB devs and hell yeah St1ka. Damn good match.

 Ayy, hell yeah and congrats!