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A member registered Aug 05, 2022 · View creator page →

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Game closes itself when you collect 50 coins, like everyone else I was sweating bullets 20 minutes before the deadline lol. Thanks for the feedback Maybe I'll do a little more with it!

Games pretty good, I did encounter a bug though. When you beat the game and press play again your put in the level and the camera doesn't move with the player lol. the art is nice, although before I looked at the games page I thought you were supposed to kill the enemy's with their own attacks, as the implementation of deception. When you just needed to press x to attack. The controls wish was the standard WASD  and not arrow keys, you could have had both by just binding both the arrow keys and WASD to your input map. and also binding attack to mouse 1 button. Overall really good

Theres no exe for the game, am I spos to launch it a different way?

Not certain where the limitation comes into play, but I jammed out with the game for a bit. the graphics left a bit to be desired, overall was pretty dang good.

Didn't quite get the hang of it, but it was pretty fun just to goof around in a bit. I've just never played a game like this before.

Its pretty cool that you didnt use a game engine to make this game. It took me a minute to figure out what I was doing, and I dont get why I would need to close the console. Didn't seem to do anything, the graphics were clean and the concept is really good!

The Game doesnt launch, I had this issue too. The way I fixed it was by deleting the old windows exporter reinstalling it and unchecking something about modifyable resources. and if you changed the main scene that loads I also instead of just renaming it to fit, actually replacing it in the editor.

Its cool to see another Godot user! The game is a bit all over the place though. The presentation is the weakest part of the game, and I found a few bugs that crash the game. Mainly when spamming the throwables next to enemy's. and the ai is Wacky, was still fun to play though! you can beat the game in like 20 seconds.

My favorite of the games from this jam so far, it nailed everything except for the visual. Which to be fair look super clean, I'm just not the biggest fan of pixel art.

Games really goofy sometimes you get spawnkilled adds to the charm though 8/10

(1 edit)

The game was pretty fun. The psx style looks pretty good, Although I'm not sure where the limitation actually came into play, but I struggled to implement that at all. overall was really good would recommend!

ps. On the last level I encountered a bug where I got caught but the level didnt restart so I could just walk out the door lol.

Are you sure your still safe?

Games solid, the some of the vfx kinda hurt my head though.
