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GameDev for fun

A member registered Apr 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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nice game check mine

Thanks for your feedback. I'll try to implement these things.

so do you think I should continue working on it. 

Thank you for playing it.  I had planned many levels with different game mechanics like gravity and other things, but it turned out to be quite a busy week for me. also I could not able to add level numbers.  I thought I fixed level 8 but.....

So how were those other levels, were they difficult or too easy.

Thanks for your feedback. 

Thank you for playing it. It was my first game and hitbox was not working the way I intended, hope I will be able to make something fun next time.

Thank you. I tried your game. That is on another level.

Nice art design.

try mine

play mine

just played yours its mine

What! You made your first game in 1998. Funny, I was born in 1999. 

thank you for your response. As you can see I am not a good artist so I knew what's gonna happened. I just cloned main character because I only got 1 day.  It was my first game so yeah, it was a good experience.😀

spare a moment and try my game

(1 edit)

try my game

Quizee hindi community · Created a new topic new game!

finally made it!