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A member registered Aug 14, 2019 · View creator page →

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Nice job.

What a joke. Absolute garbage. I hope you're not seriously a game dev because you should give up if you are.

There's no need to apologize, this might have come off worse than I meant it to be. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything as I evaluated the game. I loved the creepy atmosphere you created.

Actually, when I made this comment there was absolutely no mention of it being premade content, to the contrary, the only thing it said on the "List Any Premade Content:" it simply said "none." 

I don't owe a game praise simply because it was made in four days, especially when it involves heavy use of premade assets, with initially no mention. So let's not frame this as me simply tearing everyone's stuff down. I've also made several positive comments and given positive ratings to games. The negative comments have almost exclusively been for gamrs that were dishonest in their description. That doesn't change just because they got called out on it and edited the page.

It took me a minute to understand what exactly I was supposed to do, even with instructions, but it was a pretty fun once I got the hang of it. Great job!

I walked forward and interacted with the phone and then walked forward and opened the door. Then it said "End" and kept playing a really annoying ringing sound with no way to close without Alt+Tabbing out. Did I miss something here?

Great job with this. It was really fun.

(1 edit)

That wolf wasn't made before the jam?