the visuals have to be the best part for me, the ships look so good and the background is also beautiful, it all works really well together! Great work!
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Great idea and execution! I had so much fun squissing my brain on how to solve the puzzles, i didn't realize you could backstab them until like the 3th or 4th level and i manage to pass the level where theres two dudes going in circles without killing them, i feel pretty dumb, but pretty proud that i managed that! GREAT JOB!!!
I didn't know you could use keyboard, great on that then, its good that i can restart manually (didn't realize you could do that) but i was just trying to share a bug i found to try and help you, don't need to get mean about it. I didn't say it was a bad game or anything just wanted to share some constructive criticism. Will give it another try, with this new information!
Story telling and concept its awesome, i think the theme of the jam is a tiny bit forced (?) i see how you could justify it and i wish i could get like a score or a profiling depending of the people i execute, but for the timeframe we had its pretty remarkable what you made! "walked to work instead of driving", yeah buddy get shot to the back of the head. 7.5/10
Hey for a first proyect is pretty good, its a bit confusing to have boxes on your way that you can't climb on, Doint this in one week starting from 0 knowledge it's pretty impressive, just keep learning and creating stuff, you will get there eventually. Also i would like to congratulate you on the lack of bugs, pretty solid!