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A member registered Oct 04, 2023 · View creator page →

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the visuals have to be the best part for me, the ships look so good and the background is also beautiful, it all works really well together! Great work!

Totally fair to say that, i thought about adding checkpoints and looking back I really should had done it, thank you for the feed back and for trying it out!

yeah i love that kind of stuff lol

thank you! I wish i could have planned something more for the gameplay to make it more accesible like a tutorial or something but i was absolutly drained by the time i finished the core gameplay 😅

thank you!! happy you liked it

Thank you! i tried to be different and mold the theme onto something new! Yes, the camera control is unusual and i was really scared it wouldn't click with players. reslly happy that you could appreciate it <3

Wow thanks! i really thought the camara was something hard to get the grasp on, also in my opinion the windows version looks better, and there are a couple more features i couldnt include in the HTML version, so if you want to keep playin it i recomend you use that version!

Thank you so much! Balancing a game with such a weird premise was super hard, everyone that play tested it was struggeling with the camera movement, so it waa defenetly a challenge, super happy you liked it! <3

Great concept, loved the intro sequence,  super cute and greatly designed!

OOOHH that make sense!! i didn't realize that lol, then the second level is crazy hard (at least for my smooth brain) 

Very creative and super interesting mechanincs, smooth gameplay, made me a little uneasy (in the best way possible)

i can't stop buying speed attack upgrades, somebody take this game away from me pls

Game is really fun, camera made me a bit dizzy an optin to toogle the camera rotation would be nice!

Besides that is pretty awesome and super well made! :)

i can totally imagine myself gliding through a vaporwave world shooting random stuff at the speed of light, pretty fun concept and aestetic, movement feels a feel floaty in my opinion, maybe needs alittle tweaks? great work tho!

(1 edit)

Great idea and execution! I had so much fun squissing my brain on how to solve the puzzles, i didn't realize you could backstab them until like the 3th or 4th level and i manage to pass the level where theres two dudes going in circles without killing them, i feel pretty dumb, but pretty proud that i managed that! GREAT JOB!!!

I didn't know you could use keyboard, great on that then, its good that i can restart manually (didn't realize you could do that) but i was just trying to share a bug i found to try and help you, don't need to get mean about it. I didn't say it was a bad game or anything just wanted to share some constructive criticism. Will give it another try, with this new information!

The last level got me a while to understant but felt super nice realizing what needed to be done, the echos mechanic has so much potential for puzzle solving! the game also looks and feels fantastic! 10/10

Story telling and concept its awesome, i think the theme of the jam is a tiny bit forced (?) i see how you could justify it and i wish i could get like a score or a profiling depending of the people i execute, but for the timeframe we had its pretty remarkable what you made! "walked to work instead of driving", yeah buddy  get shot to the back of the head. 7.5/10

proud owner of the 16 second badge!

i think lava speed is on point, it doesn't go eaither to fast or too slow, i wish you had more options of jumping to make the gameplay a little deeper like a double jump or a charged jump, something along those lines would be pretty sweet, but regarless it works fine as it is! Good work!

I like the movement by clicking with the cursor,  only thing is the refugees proyectiles get triggered by the refugees ships you should try using a layermask for that! hope this helps, good job!

Hey for a first proyect is pretty good, its a bit confusing to have boxes on your way that you can't climb on,  Doint this in one week starting from 0 knowledge it's pretty impressive, just keep learning and creating stuff, you will get there eventually. Also i would like to congratulate you on the lack of bugs, pretty solid!

funny chinken

Interaction with the enviroment work surpisingly well, pretty fun, wish the map was a bit more intuitive

It would be nice to be able to play with keyboard too, lacked a bit of playtesting in my opinion, after a couple tries  i died and the game didn't restart. Nice concept regardless.

i got the boss to -743 hp, i lost

Very cool concept i wish you explored it a little bit more, adding more interactions or more complex puzzles

A game design master class

Oh we had so much fun making this, it definitely was a challenge! We also love the premise of the game an intend on adding more mechanincs, npc behaviours and summons in the future, aswell of fixing some bugs! Thanks you for the compliments!

Thank you so much for trying it out! 

Thanks you so much for the feedbcak we definetly intend on expandingthis proyect sometime in the future, and starting off easy is definetly the way to go! Maybe some short of narrative could be added aswell? ... 

Me parece injusto que no ganaseis ningún premio 10/10 volveria a ser estafado por un principe nigeriano, puntos extras por el amongus en el background

Increible, me llevare el record a la tumba

Concepto divertido, mecánicas interesantes, movimiento un pelín tosco

8/10   aunque el naruto running me obliga abajarlo a un 7 :/

Thank you so much, will definetly updste someday

Hope you enjoyed your opponents suffering :)

Dont listen to the voices