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A member registered Jan 19, 2018 · View creator page →

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And thank you for your new attempt, video looks crisp an sharp now.

The Addon can be played in a few minutes as seen in the video at about 1:17:40

Thanks, I would like to come back to the world of D.O.A.S. again, it was my first game  as solo-dev.
There is also a short Addon, that looks a bit better.

Gaming channels are tough business, but you've got this, wishing you all the best.

Thank for your video. I hope you had a great time in th other world. 

Of course I also subscribe to your YouTube channel, I hope you have success with it!

I like the transitions, the sound, and the texture throughout the levels. SCP-087 vibes, but you've added a story to it.

You can find more content from the D.O.A.S./Akui-Universe on fandom. Check it out!

You can find more content from the D.O.A.S./Akui-Universe on fandom. Check it out!

You can find more content from the D.O.A.S./Akui-Universe on fandom. Check it out!

You can find more content from the D.O.A.S./Akui-Universe on fandom. Check it out!

Thank you very much! I managed to get it to run on a newer Unity-version, so I re-released it. The narrow FOV should amplify the claustrophobic feeling, but it might be a little too much.

(1 edit)

Thank you for your video!!! You were really close to the end! In the room where you find the bloodstained note, the madman hangs over the bed, clicking on him takes you to the outro.

Thank you for your video, and phrases like: "My brain is functioning, and it kinda hurts." That made my old heart jump :D

I was afraid the puzzles would be confusing but your walkthrough was fire! And I liked that you didn't show everything, like where to get to which button at the temple, or what's in which room in the last level. I hope you enjoyed it and maybe play it again. Btw in level 2 there is reference to the cultist symbol in the room with the lockers. You can see the symbol painted on the wall.

May I ask how long the uncut time was playing it?

Thanks again, and I hope you liked the soundtrack too.

All the best, B.

Thank you very much for your offer. No translations are currently planned, I would have to rebuild some graphics and a significant part of the programming, but it doesn't mean that I won't implement an extended version at a later date. I just have to weigh the cost and benefit. But thanks again for your offer!

Wow, thank you for your video. I was worried about tightening the difficulty too much too quickly. What some see as a challenge, others find frustrating. Especially since there is no inventory and, as you write, you have to remember everything. I'll look at your walkthrough later today, and then I'll get back to you!

Thanks a lot!

Thank you for your video!!! I think I tried to cram a little too much into the game, storywise. But everything that is explained in the intros and later in the game is connected. And btw. the whole game is already finished and I've already uploaded it here. Thank yu very much again for taking the time to play Akui!

Before I forget, the full game and soundtrack should be out today or tomorrow.

Before I forget, the full game and soundtrack should be out today or tomorrow.

I didn't think you were harsh, good and honest criticism helps me to improve myself, especially since it comes from someone who makes games himself. So, thanks again!

Thank you for your walkthrough from the demo!!!

Thank you for your video, the very good rating and the time you took to play Akui!

First of all, thank you for your input. During Akui I saw that you released some games and sometimes I thought I was getting too old for the business. To be honest, there were times when I was close to shutting it down, but in the last few months I've been able to finish the project nicely. And why am I backing out, that's also why the Akui was different than the 2020 teaser. There were technical and visual decisions that threw the project upside down a few times. The fact that there is no real puzzle in the demo, but there is in the following levels is certainly a problem, but I didn't want to take a later level and present it as a demo. Akui's game content has become a bit broader than was intended in the teaser, even if the collecting aspect in level 2 is not very complex, so you have to deal more with the monsters and in level 2 you also learn something important for later in the game.

But that could also be the next problem with Akui, I tried to pack a lot of history into the game, which I also try to convey: parallel dimension, the D.O.A.S., the cult, the possibilities that exist in the parallel dimension, the protagonists , the connections between the institutions and characters, etc.

Because of the background noise I had to think a bit, it could be that due to the different ground conditions you only hear one or two footsteps that sound different than usual. There are 3 sounds for footsteps: concrete, wood, metal, but there are some wood and metal plates on the ground in level 2, maybe it gave the impression that something is near you. Otherwise there is only the ambient music, the opponent's fx and a soft click when you activate a grave light.

In any case, thanks a lot for your detailed comment and your time to play Akui!!! It can always take a while for me to reply, because my day job is currently keeping me in suspense. :)

Thank you, that was very detailed. I think the line between "taking the player by the hand" and "throwing the player into the action with no information" is narrower than you might think. I like games where you have to figure out "almost" everything, but of course I know that it can be frustrating when you have no idea what's going on. I have summarized the basic functions and tasks in the individual menu items, but I should also summarize the game mechanics again on the download page.

The clues to the puzzle are sometimes well hidden, I will probably have to mention on the download page that you also have to take your time with Akui, you play best here if you approach the solution calmly. Which of course isn't that easy since there are also the monsters that are scattered throughout each level.

Finally, thank you again for the time you put into the video and this comprehensive comment. I will try to implement your input as well.

I hope you enjoyed the demo, by the way, of course I already follow you on YT. :)

Thank you for your video! With Akui I tried more to combine the puzzles and the story, but I tried to show as much as possible in the demo. There is no combat though, but reactive dodging and fleeing, I put more emphasis on the puzzle aspect. I hope this helped you.

The teaser is a bit different, because the game was actually planned differently, you should go straight to the subway scene with the original protagonist, but some circumstances made me throw (almost) everything overboard. I hope you still liked it!

Thank you for your video, I hope you enjoyed the demo!

Thank you for your video, I hope you liked the atmosphere!

Thank you very much for your video. I hope you enjoyed the game!

Thank you very much!

Many thanks for your video, unfortunately I don't have as much time as I would like for the implementation, but I'm making good progress with Akui.

Thanks for your video. I started with the full version of the game, and I hope the finished game will have a creepier feel to it. All ther best, and stay safe!

Thanks for your walkthrough from Akui. The teaser leaves too many questions unanswered, so I hope that the finished game brings more clarity to the story. All the best for you and your channel. :)


Your sentence says it all. Thanks for the most hilarious playthrough.

I will still have to turn a lot of screws for the full release. 😂

Big thanks for the motivation! I'm pretty far behind schedule, but I can reveal so much that the mood in the game will be based more on tension than jumpscares.

Hey, thank you very much for your walkthrough, I hope the finished game will add to the mood of the teaser.

The Subway Rap! :D  Did you alreay hit the billboard?

Many players tried to race through. I still have to get them to slow down their game and take a closer look (one of the main goals in development). There are over a dozen elements that you can look at and get an information in this teaser.

„Garbage“ is a bit of a harsh review, but a cool band! The key to the desk is on the wall in the supervisor's office. It's too well hidden - in plain sight. In the full game, things will be easier to find.