Very fun game to play with a good group of friends!
Here is a video of some antics we got into while playing it!
This is such a beautiful game! You have crafted such a charming and immersive demo that has me hooked! I had so much fun and the premise behind the entire game makes me pumped to see what the full game has in store! :D
Thank you for creating such a wonderful and memorable game, it has been a joy to play! I would highly recommend, and if anyone wants to see how I experienced this demo...I've got this video here!
This game was a rollcoaster of emotions...Not only do you have to moments of love that come through so you can understand the human side of the character, but you also see the low and how your character tries to push through those dark times...I loved this game! I would highly recommend for how short it was and the amount of emotion that is packed into this! 😊
I did make a playthrough of the game if you’re interested in a weird ginger being...weird...IF NOT, I hope my analysis alone will help you decide that you need to try out this game! 😄
LOVED THIS GAME! (Only wished there was more... :D) Such a great atmosphere and creature! Wish there would've been an easier way to find the key, but otherwise I can't complain! :D
Attached I have my experience of the game, if you're interested! The game starts at (0:49)...I hope you enjoy, and if you don't enjoy my experience make sure to download the game for your own experiences with this outstanding game!
Fun and atmospheric game! The monster was especially terrifying with its form and it's way of movement. Although I did come across a few issues, it was still a memorable game to play!
Attached I have my playthrough of the game! (If you're interested in checking out my experiences with it...) The game starts at (11:13)...If you don't watch the video, STILL TRY THE GAME! THE EXPERIENCE IS WORK IT! :D
POSSIBLY the scariest game I've EVER played...This game could take you days OR it could take just one sitting to complete.
The complete and utter helplessness you feel while playing this game is very rare to see in games. This game doesn't hold your may need to find someone to hold your hand after seeing your first monster! 😂
I can happily say I beat the game and here is my video of the "Otherwordly," gameplay. (Starts at 6:28) I hope you enjoy the video and you try this great game for yourself!
Played it. Genuinly screamed at it. Loved it.
Although you can tell at times that it is still a demo, it took well over an hour for me to complete and I enjoyed almost EVERY second of it...The times I didn't enjoy it were when I was...dead...BUT I would highly recommend and I can't wait for the full release!
My "Indie-D" Ranking: 7.9/10