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First of all, this is my own indie game, and I've been thinking a lot about the game's future, so thank you for suggesting it. Please don't be blinded by some deliberately hate-mongering rhetoric. He only did this because other players questioned his comments. Yet, he blames it all on me, as if I deliberately set up the people who gave him opposing opinions, so he harbours a grudge against me.
You seem to be deliberately messing with it. I don't come to this discussion board every day to watch comments, I don't have as much free time as you do. Please don't presume to make wild speculations here, and if you continue with your shenanigans, then I will have to ask you to leave this discussion forum.
I'm not disagreeing with you, after all, this demo was released a few months ago. The reason I'm confused is because people don't like your point of view and you think they do it on purpose? Isn't it selfish of you to think that? It's like... This community only allows you to voice your opinion and not opposing voices? If there's opposition, you feel like they're targeting you? Don't you think you're ridiculous?
They disagree with you because you only played the demo and then dismissed the entire game. The game is 25+ hours long (some players have spent 70 hours on it.) The fact that you're dismissing the game just because you played the demo version must have a different opinion of the players who actually played the game. I'm glad you didn't buy my game! Have a nice day!