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A member registered May 05, 2021

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I enjoyed it once i got the hang of it! Two bits i struggled with though:

  • the tutorial didn't adequately explain what I was looking for. if this were a longer project I'd like to see an interactive tutorial that paused at key moments to highlight your projectile and the parralel projectiles to show you what's happening. I had to stumble through a few until i sat and waited for the timer to expire, then go back to the tutorial knowing more of what i was looking for to understand
  • The game requires your attention to be in too many parts of the screen at once. I understand this could be seen as part of the difficulty, but it felt frustrating to lose by running into a bullet when i was looking at the other side of my screen to line up a shot. putting a player ghost in every level could fix this, but I understand it'd ruin some of the concept, just making it multiple side scroller shooters in one.

All that said though, I really enjoyed playing it once I got the hang of it. I agree w/ Bennett Johnson's comment about projectile visibly as well, would help a bit with my second comment.