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A member registered Feb 12, 2020

Recent community posts

I’ve done everything they ask when i reach to find Rouskh in the forgotten temple i’m stuck they won’t give access to the corrupted water 

where i find roushk mating, in the forgotten temple? Because i searched the forgotten temple a lot and nothing happen 

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I need help i’m doing the curse of lust event, i’m stuck finding  Rosuhk in the forgotten temple, every time i search in the forgotten temple it only appears raptor or lizard man by the way i’m in latest version of the game

does anyone knows when the final version will be realest? 

what kind of cheat?

I hope HYAO will figure out how to keep our save data whit-in version 3.0, because starting all over again is kind of annoying. I stop playing lustful desire because of that news.    

can we fight again the king? Because i lost the first round against  him and i hope to fight him again

can we fight again the king? Because i lost the first round and hope to fight him again.

can we transfer save files from windows to mac even if the version of game is new for example on my window the version of the game is 5.2 and on my mac is 5.4. Can we transfer save files from 5.2 to 5.4 because i tried to transfer it didn’t work hut they say that the transfer is complete

I dragged the file and installed the game but still the application won’t open it says the  application is not responding 

I’m trying to to download the latest update of the game on my mac book but it won’t install. When my download is finish the file will be available on my desktop then i click on it it will show me an download file of the game and a application file. When i download the game the icon will pop in my toolbar for a couple of minutes then it says the application is not responding. I don’t want to download any file from the internet because it can contain some kind of virus, so plz any suggestion?

guys can someone helps me all my save data are gone

I downloaded this game on my mac book but i notice that there is no save file i copy the game on a usb drive and deleted. After i copy the game once again all the save weren’t on the game and i have to restart the game from the begin can anyone plz help figure where can i get the save files back. Plus can we copy the save files from windows to mac in case? 

I did back up my save files on a USB but when i download the game on my mac where can i put the save back up 

Can we transfer save file from windows to mac because i’m currently on my mac and i don’t want to restart the game from the beginning. 


Can’t wait for the final demo to be released really enjoying the game so far

Dead Dating community · Created a new topic Final demo

Hey Ryu question can we download the final demo version  of the game or it’s not released yet?

Dead Dating community · Created a new topic Next update?

Hey Ryo 

First of all great game, i have a question for the next update?

You said  on 21th December you will release an update, so my question is every month you will be releasing new content or this is the last update you will be releasing for this game?  Hope to see more scene whit Don by the way 

plz i need your help to find Dr tora password to her computer i can’t find it and i’m stuck

hey can you help me whit dr tora password plz 

I’m not on twitter though

Plz need help in this investigation 

where should i go investigate in the cabinet?   

Great game, hope in the next update where we can see the characters in colors not in white and black and please can you make a save file section? Because if i make a bad choice we have to restart the whole game from zero. And more facial hair.

Thank you

Hi, just asking that every 30 day u will have a new update? Or we have to wait? When is the next update will come 9.3?

By the way great game

where can i find the 2 pieces for the ancient symbols in the junkyard plz

how do we take Krong to hot spring? 

Hey Hyao great game by the way, really enjoyed when i go out on a date whit Hayden. Hope in the next update we can see them in scenes, like if we have a sex scenario  we can see the characters like Bernard, Hayden Logan... in action or more details about the scenes because if we see only the character naked it’s not enough we need to see more of them, more action.

Great game, hope in the next update we can see Hayden (Spa man) more in action because he's hot and deserve more scenes 

where L/B will appear in the map and what time?

Is that it for the wolf event?

I have both logan discourage and courage longan.

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Hi can u tell us step by step how to complete the wolf event plz

for logan and bernard 

Is there any new quest i can start?

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Hi, for the beast event i talked with everyone in the village then i got the wolf poison, but where can i find the main werewolf so i can beat him or discover who  might be? oh and i discourage Logan to.

How can we make Logan to like us more?

How can we make Bernard to talk about hot spring?

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Hi i have a question, i built a prison and defeated Roushk, how can i put him as my prisoner some people say i must have high con and STR how can we get them?

My relationship with Hayden is 71 can we get him to like us 100?

How can we get Bernard to talk abou the hotspring

In the next update are you reveling out our main character and hope to see more sex scene for Hayden.

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Hi, i have a tons of question:

1- where can i find the lizard eggs for the witch quest?

2-How can we make logan to likes us more even if i am a male character?

3-How can get Bernard naked?

4-Can we get fucked up by the forge boy?

5-I got the letter in the cave i showed it to Jester and bernard what is the next step?

6-Can we max out the like bar for Hayden the hot spring guy? 

And thx you can't wait for the next update.