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A member registered Jun 21, 2021 · View creator page →

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aaaw glad you enjoyed it! I enjoyed your stream :3c! Also, don’t worry about not finding both bones, it’s just an optional side thing and the second bone is in a not very intuitive spot lol.

(Btw, you technically can climb the ladders, they’re just janky)

And again, thanks for checking it out! :D

Sorry for the late response. I don't usually add people on discord I don't already know personally,  but If there's some other place I could check it out, let me know!

Thanks! Been working on it for a little under a month I think

aaah! Thank you so much for checking it out!! Also, you two are so adorable!! I loved watching the video :D

LOL Thanks for checking it out!!! Glad you enjoyed it!!! :)

AH crap! sorry about that ;-;
also, your image frightens me! !!!! MY JORTS!!

ah! Haven’t seen that before, but I’ll look into it! Thanks for letting me know !

a very interesting and well executed idea! really gets your gears turning :)

I like this :)

really enjoyed this game, and the puzzles were very interesting and fun to solve, especially when they started making you have to think ahead and plan your path. very nice :)